Chapter 21 - King Grey

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(A.N thank @GodkillerGrey for getting this chapter released early)


No. NO.

It's not possible. How is he here? The reason I've suffered for all these years. The thing I've tried my best to push away, the thing I've run from all my new life.

King Grey.

Why is my past life here? I-It shouldn't be possible. I'm me, I'm here, in Alacrya!

But yet, here I am, back on earth, devoid of life with the only path leading to the castle. Now standing in front of the cruelest man in the world. Someone who destroyed an entire country for revenge. I'm facing myself.

My breath became ragged. My arms felt devoid of strength. My head was pounding. My legs felt trembled. My hands turned numb. My eyes sharpened. My chest compressed. My ears stopped hearing things. My mouth went dry. My heart pounded.

"**ey, w-**o i* **at?" asked Caera. I couldn't understand her. My senses wouldn't let me. My gaze was focused on myself. Nothing else registered in my mind. Not the portraits of former kings, not the pillars that kept the throne room up, not the throne that overlooked everything, not the red carpet that led to the source of my fear, only the man that looked down upon me.

"H-How," I barely managed to spurt out. King Grey just stared at me, his face remaining expressionless.

"How," I got out again, my dry mouth barely audible. Caera then stepped in front of me. She was protecting me. But it would be fruitless. No one can win against that man.

"How?" King Grey said, his voice devoid of any semblance of anything, emotion and humanity. "How?" he repeated. "Because you haven't let me leave."

No. That wasn't the answer! You're supposed to tell me you're here because of the relictombs! You were supposed to let me know you're here to help!

"G**y ****s h***eni**?" Caera asked but my body still wouldn't let me hear her cries. Was she hurt? Has she figured it out and now hates me? Has she decided to abandon me like everyone else did?

"You took Arthur away. You lied to everyone. You led on Tessia. You did all that for what? Your own enjoyment? " started King Grey as he stood up from his throne.

"You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me."

"You're lying. I did not come back to you," I said, as I put all my strength into my legs. I needed to get out of here. I can't fight him and nor can Caera.

"You lie to yourself. You did not need to come here, the portal was back at the entrance. Yet, you came here, came here to me."

King Grey started walking down the corridor towards us. Every step he made only implemented more fear into me. He didn't even bother to use bloodlust. He drew his sword, letting it scrape across the floor, creating an ominous and disturbing sound.

At my silence he just continued talking. Caera had stopped talking and kept her position, but I could see her knees start to wobble.

"You don't deserve this second chance. Tessia, Alice, Eleanor, Reynolds, Angela, Jasmine, Virion, Sylvie, Durden, Adam, Helen, Cynthia, Curtis, Kathyln, Lilia, Vincent, Claire. Each of these people trusted you, some loved you. Yet, you betrayed them all.

I wonder. Caera, Seth, Valen, Enola, Mayla. What will happen when they find out? I'll tell you, the exact same thing. You know that, and that is why you have come back to me," King Grey said. With each name he grew closer.

"T***'s a lie. I *ay **t k**w **at is goin* on *ut I'll **ver aba**on Gr*y!" Caera's words grew more understandable.

"They said the same thing, did you know that?" King Grey said, his emotionless voice never faltering.

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