chapter 3

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Bonnie sipped casually at her smoothie, her mind far away. It seemed so simple, drag Ron out on a date that he didn't have time to plan for, somewhere far from ANY prying eyes that might possibly know her. Then, when he screwed up huge, she could get him completely out of her system. Of course, last night could not have gone any more wrong than her worst nightmares, but not in the way that she had hoped.

He was funny and charming during dinner, making her laugh as he got more comfortable. Several times she had to snap herself out of staring into those soft, chocolaty eyes, lit up with amusement. She should have called it off right then and there, she knew that she wasn't going to achieve what she had set out to do, but as they left the restaurant, he had suggested mini-golf. That was when the trouble really began.

It started innocent enough; the first few holes were done in silence, though she could feel Ron's eyes following her every move. She tried not to look, but every so often, she'd glance over to catch him smiling. If it had been that lecherous type of smile she'd seen from Brick often enough, or he was staring at parts of her anatomy, it would have been so easy to just slap him and drive off, leaving him stuck there in Upperton. No, it was a gentle smile, one filled with affection, and a grin that widened every time he caught her glimpsing at him. She didn't want to, but she would blush every time, and wonder how on earth this scrawny loser could affect her like this.

By the seventh hole, her concentration was so shattered that her putts were going completely wild. She almost screeched in frustration as her first putt bounced off the clown's lip and landed right in front of her. That was when it happened.

"You're too tense Bonnie, you've got to loosen up your grip! Here, let me show you."

She felt his arms wrap around her, his hands encircling hers, felt him press close against her back. Bonnie shivered as she felt his warmth press against her, almost combating the ventilation of the indoor course.

"You just grip it like this, and you follow through like… like…"

Ron's voice trailed off as Bonnie turned to look over at him, craning her neck around to see him doing the same. Their eyes met, the faces a scant inch apart, before they slowly moved together. That first moment of contact felt like Bonnie had been shocked to the very marrow of her soul, and their lips entwined more passionately. She never even noticed when the putter fell from her hands, and she turned herself against him, her arms wrapping around him tightly. Their lips move urgently, hungrily, as though they were starving and this was the only way to sate that hunger. Her leg shifted behind his, while her fingers traced up and down his back, spurring him on.

"Umm… mind if I play through, if you guys are going to be awhile?"

Bonnie pulled away quickly, gasping for breath as she turned to look at the young boy, no more than eight, standing there, watching with a grin on his face. She jumped away from Ron as if burned, as she realized what had just happened, smoothing out her clothes as best she could.

The kid's grin just widened as he looked between the two of them. "Man mister, you must not be afraid of cooties to act like that."

Ron just looked at the kid sheepishly. "Umm… kid, aren't you a little young to be here by yourself? Where are you're parents?"

He indicated back to the clubhouse. "They went to go get the manager. Mom was mumbling something about a shameful display, and she wanted to complain."

Bonnie quickly grabbed Ron's hand, dragging him out of there so fast, the kid's parents had no chance to notice them leaving. As she hopped into the car, she realized she was shaking immensely, and Ron was trying to talk to her.

"… don't think we needed to get out of there like that. I had two hole in ones already, and I was hoping…"

"Ron, shut up for a second!" Bonnie saw his face fall, and a touch of guilt touched her heart as she saw that. "Look, I just… I…"

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