chapter 18

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Ron didn't quite know why he continued to follow the path the plane had taken rather than stop where Bonnie was parked, all he knew was that he had to. It was like some sixth sense was guiding him to keep going. Bonnie seemed startled when he kept going, but he couldn't stop to tell her why. When the runway ended, he kept going, cutting across the field and using a small hill to jump the fence that lay in his way when he got to the boundaries of the airfield. And still he went, keeping one eye to the sky and following the path the plane took on the ground. He could hear Felix behind him, questioning him, wondering what Ron was doing, but even Ron couldn't explain it. He'd felt this before, though not nearly as strongly as what he felt now, and it told him one thing.

KP in trouble.

So when he saw the faint speck in the sky separate from the plane and begin falling to the ground, he knew just what it was. Knowing though didn't stop the panic as he saw his best friend in the world plummeting to the ground.

The engine gunned faster as Ron sped the ATV up to it's maximum, trying desperately to get closer, even as he was trying to think of something that could help in the situation. But he hadn't exactly been prepared for a mission, not on a day out with the guys. He didn't even have anything on hand in terms of mission gear. If only he could talk to Wade, he'd come up with something, but he couldn't, and Ron's panic wasn't helping him think any better.

But thinking of Wade did spark something, as he considered some of the things the tech genius had whipped up in the past. Of course, the chances were slim that his dumb luck would help him in this sitch, but he had to check.

Felix, who's attention was on the plummeting object, turned his attention briefly to Ron. "Ron, is that..."

"Yes it is. Felix," Ron hoped his new friend could hear him properly, "I need you to check the bottom of my shoe."

To say Felix was surprised by the comment was an understatement. "Ron, don't you think this is a lousy time to check for gum?"

"Please, just check." Ron lifted his foot back and up, hoping not to crash while doing so. "Do you see four port like thingies on the bottom of my shoes?"

Felix shook his head quickly. "No."

Ron felt like cursing at that moment, but there was something else. He just hoped against hope that he was wearing them today, especially as it looked like Kim was what appeared to be halfway to the ground already. "Felix, I know this is gonna sound so bad, but I need you to check my boxers."


Ron didn't have time for long explanations. "Wade whipped up a pair of boxer blasters, but I don't know if I have them on or not. I need you to check and I can't take my hands off the handlebars. I need you to feel the back of my boxers, see if you can feel a couple lumps."

"Gee, and this is only the first date. What will the girls think of me." But Felix did as he was asked, putting his hand down the back of Ron pants while still holding on, feeling around. He yanked his hand back out quickly. "I felt them!"

"Thank God" Ron was relieved beyond belief. "Rufus buddy, hop over to Felix." The naked mole rat moved quickly, ducking into Felix's pocket. "Felix, grab the handlebars."

Felix reached over Ron with one hand, stabilizing the bar. "What are you going to do?"

Ron pushed a button on the front of his boxers, fumbling for a moment but finding it. "Apparently test one of Wade's inventions for the first time in the field. I sure hope that they went through the wash all right."

Felix was going to respond, but Ron was already gone in a flash and a scream, leaving his pants behind and a panicked Felix who tried desperately to control the ATV so that it didn't crash.

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