Day 6087

191 4 0


My system suddenly rebooted, only to see a body drawer. I looked around, and everyone else, including A, Z, J, and V were getting up. They must have been sucked in here with us.

"What happened?" Xena asked.

"We were sucked down here," I replied. 

All of a sudden, J aimed her weapon at me, V aimed her weapon at N, A aimed his weapon at Darcy, and Z aimed his weapon at Xena.

"If you fire those weapons, the entire shaft is going to collapse on us!" I yelled, trying to stop them.

"The toaster is right." J relented.

"I think we are on the elevator!" Darcy realized.

"What?" An asked.

"So, we have this massive hole of body drawers. We need an elevator to reach them all. Some time ago, the cable snapped, and the elevator fell into the darkness. Now we know it's here, jammed against the walls." I explained.

"So, we aren't all the way at the bottom?" V asked.

"No, we are somewhere in between. When they were building this place, they wanted to make it go to the core of Copper 9. If they actually succeeded, well, we can't risk anything." N figured.

"Wait, we can just fly out of here!" J realized. A, Z, and J immediately flew out, leaving us stunned.

"The torrent of air has also stopped. I think the pressures are equalized." Darcy found out.

"Wait, can any of you calculate the depth we are at?" I asked them.

"About... 2 kilometres down." Xena figured.

"That's a long climb..." Darcy realized, before sitting down. We were all starting to lose hope that we would escape, and not die. First it would be Xena and N, then me and Darcy.

"N, can you come over here?" V asked.

"Okay..." N figured, before I eavesdropped on them.

"Come with us!" V whispered.

"Why should I?" N asked.

"So that you can live, and help kill others again!" V replied.

"No." N flatly answered.

"You seriously want to stay with these traitors?" V asked, annoyed.

"At least they aren't you," N replied, walking away. V seemed annoyed, and flew away, leaving us to wonder when we will die.

"Wait, Xena, do you think we can fly out of here with one person on our back?" N asked.

"No way, we would drain our oil fast, even if we had a full tank." Xena replied.

"I have a idea, actually. They used to use these things as storage for valuables. I wonder, do we have anything that can help us..." Darcy figured, searching the drawers. I got the idea as well, and started rummaging through countless drawers. I found a odd metal box, and looked at it. 

"Oh wait, that's an expansion ladder!" Xena announced on seeing it. She took it, and a ladder started emerging from it.

"How high does it go?" Darcy asked.

"1.5 kilometres." She replied. "We need to climb on this ladder, and we can fly you the rest of the way."

The trek soon began, and we started climbing into darkness. It was scary enough to climb into the unknown, but scarier when you never knew what was at the top. We were also concerned about the ladder falling, which wouldn't be good at all.

We saw many horrors as we ascended the ladder, such as a corpse crushed into a drawer, or oil stains leaking through one. Xena and N were fascinated by it, unlike us. 

"What the hell?" N whispered.

"What?" Darcy asked. Xena pointed over to a drawer below us, which was open. There was a corpse inside, but not any corpse.

It was the corpse of a murder drone.

"Who is that?" Xena asked.

"Serial Designation P! Why is he in this of all places?!" N asked.

"Who is P?" I asked.

"A murder drone that could design anything in his mind. He specialized in logistical problems, and pathways... wait, there was no way he flew down here all the time!" Xena realized.

"Which means he has a passageway in here!" Darcy realized.

"All we have to do is find it!" I realized. 

"That's easier said than done... wait, look at those drawers over there!" Xena pointed out. They looked... fake! Like a secret tunnel! 

I immediately pulled out a drawer slightly and stood on it. It didn't even bend. I started opening drawers, to create a pathway to the suspected entryway. Soon, everyone was there, except N, whose drawer broke out from under him. 

He easily got back up and yanked on the handle. The array opened, revealing a crude tunnel. 

"No way!" Darcy yelled before we all ran into the tunnel. The door closed behind us, leaving us potentially trapped. 

We continued onward, not pausing for any reason. Eventually, we reached a straight with light at the end of it. 

"That's the exit!" I yelled as we all made a break for it. We emerged on the ceiling of the bunker, which was only a floor higher than the mountain it was built under. It was disguised as an empty building. A perfect deception.

"This is the outside?" Darcy wondered in amazement. "You were right, it is an apocalyptic wasteland." 

"Hey, look over there!" N pointed out. We saw a corpse tower, which was Xena's home once.

"Well, our house is probably a wreck, maybe we should live out here." Darcy suggested.

"Eh, your house was a much better place. But still, the bunker is probably destroyed." N figured. We quickly descended from the rooftop and entered the fake building. It had real furniture in it, which had been taken from the dump some time ago.

"This is really convincing. It's no wonder your bunker has been discovered for such a long time." N and Xena figured.

"Well, we don't exactly die." Uzi and I joked. 

"Okay, sure. Either way, we should settle out here for the night." Xena decided. It was a good idea, but the exposure to Copper weather wasn't exactly comforting. We all shutoff, in a new home, a desolate wasteland.

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