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The truck was as quiet as a graveyard with only the sound of the engine filling the void.

"I don't believe in magic, magic is something that goes against the creation of the natural world. It would disregard the evolution of science and all its separate fields." Kal'tsit answered clear and piecerly while not turning her eyes from the road.

"That's a reasonable train of thought but the things I can tell and teach goes against that notion. I've seen and learned many things Kal'tsit and I'll be happy to teach what I know." Apollo explained his goals while also trying to get a read on Kal'tsit but to little advile.

Silence overtook the vehicle once again. This time along with the engine of the car Apollo reached into his chest and pulled out a pillow and blanket. "If you truly wish to work together and accept my 'magic'' As Apollo put in air quotes, I'll always be ready to open up if it's within reason." Apollo said as he started to drift into a sleep leaving Kal'tsit alone.

Marth was currently inside the garden that is grown within the landship. From what the garden keeper, Perfumer told her. The garden was open to everyone for relaxation from the stress of life. As for why she was here, it is due to what Apollo taught her a few days ago, she started to think back to the words he said.

"Magecraft is fueled by mana carried through the magic circuits of a mage. However all mages use a trigger to kick start their circuits, it's normally something closely tied to the mage in question when they are first opened. It could be an action like running or a phenomenon like fire sparking. You were able to switch on your circuits with assistants from yours truly. The next step is for you to learn a basic form of magecraft, my specialty called strengthening also known as enforcing."

Marth turned her attention to the small wooden cube Apollo gave her. It was her testing tool for strengthening. Marth looked at the cube and to her the cube looked back. She took a deep breath before palming the cube that fit snugly in her hand. Apollo explained the basic idea of how to enforce something.

Marth took a deep breath.

Slow your breathing, keep it under control at all times.

The advice Apollo gave was entering her head step by step.

First, analysis: Understand the materials and construction of the object.
Marth sends mana into the cube, not enough to do anything. Rather for her to view the cube like an extension of herself.

Second, Strengthening: Start pouring magically energy into said object, go as slow as you need when starting out.

The collapse in her pride was evident on her face, she poured mana into the cube slowly equally enforcing the surface.

Third analysis and reassess: Review the object in question if any adjustments need to be made.

The imaginary steam flowing from Marth's head was showing the mental burden this was placing on her.

Lastly withdrawal: This and strengthening are the hardest steps in the process. Messing these two steps can cause the destruction of the object in question. Just like you pushed mana out from your body, now it's time to suck it back in.

Marth's body tightens after remembering the last step. She tried and tried but the mana inside the cube wasn't leaving at all. Deep within her heart Marth yelled a simple phrase. "Come out!"

However her pleas fell on deaf ears as the cube exploded. Gladly due to the amount of mana pushed in the explosion weren't violent, if they were Marth likely would have lost an eye or two. She placed whatever was left of the cube on the floor among the other handful of cube fragments. "Another failure."

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