Shaking of the Rust

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There was no sound as the reality of the situation was fully processed by everyone. Lappland's eyes widened at the information causing her to clue into the conversation.

"You're a ghost, that explains some things." Apollo said as he leaned back in his seat while scratching his head.

"Indeed I am. A friendly ghost at that." Astrid said as she ate some nuts.

"I highly doubt Lappland would agree to that. Frankly I'm sad I didn't record it, then I could forever annoy her with this pathetically quick loss." Apollo said as he chuckled.

"Apollo, I promise that I will kill you." Lappland said as she struggled to get out the bindings.

"I'll be waiting." He said casually nothing bothered by the threat against his life. Nothing he isn't used to. "Back to you Astrid, I'm new to Kjerag so I'm not too knowledgeable about the past of the nation."

"If you want an account of the past then I would like it if Ensia gave it. Being the sister to the current head priestess and daughter of the Silverash family, she should provide a sufficient history lesson for you."

Apollo and Lappland turned to Cliffheart waiting for said history lesson.

Cliffheart could only sigh deeply as she recalled all the information she knew.

Before the nation known as Kjerag became what it was today, the people were a nomadic tribe of people. Under the guidance of Kjagander the people moved from place to place. Of course as a mother goddess Kjagander didn't enjoy fighting, she saw it as barbaric even back then.

However conflict always happened, fights between tribes weren't uncommon. Then one day an assassin attempt happened. A tribe who had fought with the people under Kjagander's protection wanted her dead.

The child that sent was Astrid Brunhild, she was a child who was used to combat as she has engaged in many battles and survived each one. She was held as a prodigy by her people.

However the assassin failed. Astrid snuck into the village in the dead of night, her ax in hand. She didn't want to leave much of a trace so she didn't harm anyone. Once she snuck into the Goddess chamber no one knows what happened. Just that the end result was Astrid defeated and captured.

The following morning Kjagander presented Astrid to the elders. All of them wished for Astrid to be punished with death. However Kjagander defended Astrid and declared she will be at her side for the future.

This announcement shocked everyone and for the first time in a long time that disconnect could brew into a revolution. Many people believed the Goddess made a mistake, perhaps blindsided by her being a higher state of existence.

Gladly Astrid Brunhild proved herself as she managed to integrate her people into the greater faction under the Goddess. She was unorthodox as instead of dropping her warrior ways, she always ran towards the frontline whenever combat came. Astrid was known to inspire strength and train soldiers whenever given the chance.

She was later given the nickname 'Crimson Foot' but the whole name was the 'Crimson Foot of The Snow Realm' in recent times.

"That's the summed up version of the Saintess Brunhild." Cliffheart said.

Apollo didn't say anything as he processed the history lesson. "It makes sense why Lappland got her ass kicked."

Apollo could hear the struggles of Lappland as she tried to escape her binds to challenge Apollo's words.

"Don't worry Lappland, you'll have your chance to fight me in time. Just not now, I'm too busy interrogating our friend." He said as he rubbed the top of Lappland's head like a dog.

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