Story of the beauty

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Hi! My name is Adaliah, it means death and I have a verry weird back story. I'm daughter of Loki Laufeyson the king of Asgard. He rules Asgard with he's older brother Thor Odinson.

I hated my mother, she called me a monster, a mistake, a failure, a disappointment and lot of other stuff, like daughter she hopped she never had. My mother was killed by my dad, (he was black maild, it was me or my mom). That's why my dad wanted me to learn how to fight and defend myself. I'm damn good at fighting and I know some magic.

When I was 15 I moved to Middel Earth. It's far far away from Asgard. I didn't move because I was unhappy I had a kinda perfect life, if you want to live in a castle with your dad and uncel. It's boring I promise. So I moved. My dad of course was sceard that I'm going to die, but I'm still alive.

I didn't really get permission to move, but I did. I go to see my dad every two months.

My life in Middle Earth is good. I live in a huge beautiful misty lake with fishs, crabs and sharks and so on. You might think how I live in water, but I'm a siren. I have a human form I can be a siren becose of my magic. And I love it.

Becose I'm a siren people are scared of me. Sometimes people come fishing to the lake and I scare them. But sometimes some sailors come and try to capture me. Good I know how to defend my self.

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