Chapter 6

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When I arrive at the castle, I see my mom.

"Mom!" I exclam.

"Hello, love how was your first day?"

"Good. A lot of monsters didn't recognize me so that is good. I hate being center of attention. Oh and the school didn't even announce anything about a princess going to school." I say

"That is because we asked then not to." She explains.

"Why didn't anybody crowd around Vanessa?"

"Well, you have seen the monsters she hangs out with, and she just kind of...... shuts them out I guess." She says.
I nod and then tell her I would be in my bedroom.

I'm sure you would expect a pink bed with a pony on the wall, but no.

I have black walls with rock band posters everywhere.

My bed has dark red sheets. The color of blood I should say.

I love it.

I just lie down and think about the day. Think about my new friends.
He is so sweet and such an butthole all at the same time. I'm lucky I found a friend like him.

And Venus is just a rebel and a complete goofball.

I listen to some Nirvana which is a mortal rock band. Us monsters get a lot of stuff from there. A lot of monsters live there. They claim it is safer there instead of here.

It is because of this stupid war the monsters of the North are threatening. Thousands of lives have already been lost.

I know you think vampires only die when they get a stake through the heart, but that is only in the mortal world. In our world, we can die in any way.
All the myths you heard about certain ways monsters die, that is only in he mortal world.

I think it is because in the mortal world our worlds are both so different, I guess we just adapt some way and just change. Think of it like a tadpole turning into a frog, it is something like that.
I keep wondering why there is so much hate between vampires and werewolves.
Did we do something to them or---

Brinnnng, brinnnng,brinnng.
Dinner bell.

I change into a plain red dress and put some flats on for dinner.

I walk down into he dining room and my family is already there. We are all silent for a few minutes, eating our cheese and broccoli soup.

I break the silence and say," Why do the werewolves hate us?"

Vanessa sighs and my parents look at each other,"You will learn in school." My father says.

"I want to learn now! You had so many Yeats to tell me and you still haven't. If Vanessa knows why can't I?"

"You will be too sensitive to the subject." My mother says.

"No it won't. Do you all just see me as a damsel? Well I'm strong and ------"

"We are not saying you are weak, if it was too much for me it is too much for you." Vanessa says.

Tears of anger are streaming down my face and I storm out of the room. I run as fast as I could to my room. Why can't they just tell me? I want to know why my old friend hates me. Do they even know what its like to grow up without any friends and a sister that shut you out all the time. I was so lonely and I just want to know why.

I would call Kellen, but I don't have his number. I just go to sleep instead of thinking about it. I will find out tomorrow.

Today in history Kellen had me sit next to him. I think he wanted to be there so it would be easier for me to take the blow. We are learning why we have a rivalry.
"Before you all ask, I teach the same lesson to all monsters no matter what. Vampires and werewolves are seperated. Less arguments." Miss. Draconà said.
I look at Kellen and he looks at me and he gives me a small smile. I smile back.

It turns out, about 900 years ago the king of the werewolves, King Misha, Max's dad, and my parents, King Shrohen and Queen Mellisa were good friends and allies. They talked about things happening with in the kingdom. They went to each other's castles and even their children played together. (Me and Max).
Well, they started arguing about what to do for the war threats and what to do to make the kingdoms better. It wasn't a fight just an arguement. There is a difference.

Well, a couple of weeks later, two vampire assistants that were close to my parents went to Wolf Manor and murdered King Misha. Most werewolves blamed my parents, they claimed that my parents sent them to kill the king, but I remember them mourning over something. I was little so I didn't know at the time. and I also remember them executing two vampires.
Over the years, a huge rivalry happened and now it is just pure hate.

I have to fix this.

When class was over I practicly ran to the girls bathroom. My parents were right, I wouldn't be able to take the blow.
When I looked in the mirror I am puffy eyed. I stay in there for a few minutes and it goes down a little bit, so I go back outside and Kellen is standing by the door.
"Princess, you okay?"
"No. No I'm not." I admit.
He frowns," it will be fine."
"I have to fix this Kellen." I say before walking off to find Max.

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