Chapter 18

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I feel so different. I feel hollow, but I feel much fuller than I have ever felt in my whole life. Does that even make sense? I don't know. I feel so energetic and everything seems to be in slow motion.

Ellington dismissed the crowd and said to meet at the after party if anyone wanted to. The crowd slowly seeped out of he sanctuary. But Max and Kellen lingered behind. Max looks at me and smiles before he makes his way out of the room, but Kellen just waits by the giant wooden doors.

I have to stay behind for a little bit so Ellington can talk to me

"How are you feeling?" He asks in his ancient voice.

"I feel great."

"I'm surprised you didn't die. I'm so sorry that this went wrong. I never experienced a Changing like that before."

"Its fine. I don't feel any pain now, and I'm still breathing." I smile.

He nods, then apologized again and he dismissed me.

I make my way towards Kellen and without warning he hugs me and says,"I was so scared of losing you."

"I know. I saw."

He gives me a confused look.

"When you all thought I was dead, well, I kinda was. I saw it all. I saw all of the chaos and....I saw my own body."

I gives me a grim look. "It hurt seeing you like that."

"Doesn't everyone die when they go through a Changing?" I ask.

"Yes, but they don't scream in pain for fifteen minutes then stay dead for another fifteen. The longest a vampire stayed dead during the Changing was three minutes. So you now you know why we were all so scared." He says.

I slowly nod, then I feel arms squeeze me from behind and pick me up.

"Jewles you're okay!" Max exclaims.

I laugh and say,"yup. I feel like I can run fifteen miles."

"Don't say that. Trust me. You won't want to." Max says.

"But I'm so full of energy!" I say.

"Yeah, but vampires eventually run out of energy too." Kellen says

I nod. I already knew that. But it takes a lot for a vampire to get tired. then I tell them to start heading out to the party. They nod and grin like idiots as they exit the sanctuary and I make my way towards the Lincoln, which is parked on the secret spot.

Madeline isn't in there, she probably went with my family because I took to long.

The poparatzi are following us. Fantastic. I guess they deserve a lite bit of information about the Changing. I mean I've been avoiding them for most of my life.

We arrive at the castle and once I get out of the car, the camera lights flash. I hear a bunch of questions like
"How did it go."

"Is it true that you almost died?"

"Are you single?"

Great, yes, and yes.

I even pose for a little while for some of the covers on magazines. I finally go into the castle, and let me tell you it was packed.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see Madeline. She smiles and hugs me.
"How do you feel?" She asked

"Fantastic." I answer.

"Follow me." She says.

I turn to follow her, then I see Max. He calls me over, but I hold up a finger telling him to wait.

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