Nothing is as it Seems?

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General David POV

I was in my office relaxing as I heard a knock on my door

General David: enter! I said as a fox combined with wolf features entered my office.

???: sir I think you would want to see this he says as he handed me a tablet.

I took the tablet willingly as I watched the footage from our teams as their are cameras in their armour, as I continue to watch the footage I watched a badass samuri walk passed as Vivian unclip her revolver only to stopped by a clicking sound then instantly click back I saw that everyone else was confused as I saw Vivian look to her right hip as the samurai turned to face them and said something then just bowed and took his leave while everyone just looked in shock as I hear Lucas ask everyone, "do you guys still think all humans are evil and monsters?" As the video ended as I handed the tablet back to him.

General David: vary interesting he doesn't have a any type of snout what animal is he? I asked as he looked a bit worried.

???: a.. human sir... he said which made my eyes go wide.

General David: are you sure its  true? I asked suspicious as he nodded his head.

???: what shall we do sir? He asks as he waits for my command.

General David: give the bounty hunters to hunt him down and capture him ALIVE  and tell them to meet at town hallI said the last part as clear as day so we don't end up ruining our chance to get awnser from this human about the war as kalan nodded and exited my office.

Brian POV

I had entered town walking to a cafe as my metal boots making contact with the cement my armour making clanking sounds here and there as alot of anthros stopped and stared at me some even took videos.. I think..

I rounded the corner and continued my way ignoring the eyes on me, as I looked around the city as it was my first time seeing one seeing that it were vary few cars, soon Zoey told me that we where here.

Zoey: you are at your destination thank you for using.. Zoeymaps she jokes as I chuckled to myself.

I looked up at the sign reading Starbucks as it surprised me.

Brian: huh I would've magined that they would have changed the name of this place. I thought as I opened the door having one of those chimes on it as it ringed causing some anthros looked at the door only to see a fucking samurai enter a cafe.

Soon had everyone's eyes on me as I was just minding my own business rocking my foward and back like in a movie when you have everyone staring at you as if you had just gotten out of a bloody fight and it is just an awkward moment at the least.

Soon the guy ahead of me got his order and started to walk outside the cafe as he kept his eyes on me as he bumped into a wall beside the door as he bolted out the door and I approached to order my things.

I was met with a wolf as I studied her as she looked at me  scared from my appearance but a gave her a respectful bow.

Brian: good evening ma'am I would like cinnamon Docle Latte and um... 2 chocolate chunk cookies pls I ask as politely as I could even thou my voice changer as she shackingly nodded her head.

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