Alot is Going on..

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Ashley POV

General: commander we just word from Russia that The human stopped the production of the power armour ma'am..

Ashley: how many do we have in our possession? General.

General: if we didn't take some sooner it would've been none but we managed to get 5 of them ma'am..

Ashley: and what about the General that was stationed there?

General: they where captured as she tried fighting the human.

Ashley: I see gather 5 talented soldiers that can do operate them..

General: yes ma'am-he then walks out of the office-

A sly grin creeps on my face as I knew if we sent one suit to each battle field it will force the forces to retreat back or wipe them our completely as the tide of this war will be excellent then we can evade the U.S and Canada, and only then can the human race be finally extinct.

Brian POV

The night sky was covered in cloud but you could see quite a few of stars as I was about to enter the cargo plane but was stopped when we all heard something that sounded similar to a jet engine as it seemed to quiet down as it approched our location.

Zoey: Brian!

Brian: Zoey? What are you doing here?

Zoey: this is urgent.. -I could tell it was by the tone in her voice-

Brian: what is it?

Zoey: I looked through the files Chad sent me and it said in a recent report that they managed to send 5 suits to Ashley..

Brian: I see.

Zoey: and I need to tell the commander about it now.

Brian: alright I'll go with you Chad go back to France and tell the first lieutenants about the news.

Chad: I will.

Chad then opened up allowing me to exit as I approched Zoey and we walked together to David's office.

Brian: how are the kids we found?

Zoey: they are doing well but why must we keep them in France and not bring them back here where there isn't a huge battle going on?

Brian: because. I just don't trust anyone with them as I fear they will kidnap them and sell them on the black market..

Zoey: I see but why not leave them to your girlfriend?

Brian: ... because I don't know if she can take care of them without her  stressing out about it...

Zoey: I understand..

We then reached David's office as Zoey knocked waiting for a response till we hear him say "come in!" As we entered the office.

David: oh haven't seen you in a long time Brian what brings you here?

Brian: my A.I Zoey has something urgent to tell you.-David raises an eyebrow-

David: is that so what is it?

Zoey: sir! From a report I saw while rummaging though the files Chad collected I saw a report where there is 5 power- Armour in their possession. -David then thought about this news as we stood their-

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