➊➐: Break Ups and Other Messy Things

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"Wait, so what happened?" Delilah asked Rory.

"We broke up," said Rory. "We just broke up."

"But I don't understand," Lorelai said.

Delilah didn't get it either.

"We – we just went to dinner and then we walked by the bonfire, but it wasn't lit so we went to this junkyard and we sat in this car and then – oh god," Rory started.

"What?" asked Lorelai.

"I forgot yours and Lila's meatballs in the car," Rory stated.

"Oh, honey, forget it," Lorelai told her.

"Yeah, it's not important," Delilah said.

"Oh, I can't believe I left your meatballs in the car," Rory said.

"Okay, okay," said Lorelai said. "Come on." They went to sit on the couch.

"After I told the waiter to wrap it up and everything," Rory said. "And everyone was like, 'what do you want with two meatballs?' And I was like 'It's a mother/daughter/sister thing.' And I'm sure he thought I was nuts, but he was so nice and he did anyway and he, uh, brought one of those tin foil swans or duck or some kind of bird and – and then I left it in the car."

Delilah said, "Just forget about the meatball. What exactly happened?"

"He just broke up with me, okay," Rory said.

"That doesn't make sense," Loreali said. "This is Dean we're talking about. He's crazy about you. He calls like twenty-five times a day. Have you seen the cover of his notebook? It's one step away from stalker material."

"I have to go to bed," Rory said. She got up and started going to her room.

"Well, wait," called Lorelai. "Take me through the night step-by-step."

"Why?" asked Rory.

"We just want to know why he broke up with you," Delilah said.

"Yeah, we can to want decipher what happened here," Lorelai added.

"What happened here is we broke up," Rory replied. "He didn't want to be my boyfriend, end of story."

"That is so not end of story," Lorelai stated.

"Yes, it is," said Rory.

"Why would he plan an entire evening, complete with dinner and a junkyard, and then dump you for no reason?" Delilah asked.

"How do you know?" asked Rory, taking a box from her closet.

"We read every Nancy Drew mystery ever written," Lorelai said. "I even read the one about the Amish country, twice. I know there's more to the story than what you're telling us." Rory was throwing stuff into the box.

"Rory, what are you doing?" Delilah asked.

"I'm getting rid of all this stuff," Rory told her.

"What stuff?" asked Lorelai.

"Everything he gave me, everything he touched, everything he looked at," Rory said.

Well, you're going to have to switch rooms because he looked at your room," Delilah pointed out.

"Good idea, you switch rooms with me," Rory said.

"Honey, will you just calm down for just one second?" Lorelai asked, as Rory tossed things in the box.

"He doesn't want to be my boyfriend – fine," Rory said.

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