Chapter 14 - After Party

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***** Dylan's Point of View *****

I was so impressed with the camera work and the score and lighting. It was a top notch movie and I couldn't have been more proud of it. It was by far the biggest budget film I had ever worked on and the end product showed it. It was Oscars level good.

"So what did you think?" I asked Brenley, expecting her to gush over how amazing it was.

She looked down and hesitated for a second before saying half-heartedly," It was good. I ummmm. I really liked it."

I could tell she was lying, but I didn't understand why she wouldn't have liked it? It was great. Maybe she thought the war scenes were too bloody or something. I looked up and saw the two Executive Producers of the movie coming my way so I stood up. They both shook my hand with huge smiles.

"It was phenomenal Dylan, your best work yet. You're gonna have studios fighting each other to hire you after that one," Lou said, and he was notoriously a very tough critic, so that meant a lot coming from him.

"Thanks Lou," I smiled.

"You're welcome and I really mean it. I wouldn't be surprised if you were nominated for another Oscar. Your acting skills were on a whole other level," He leaned in and whispered, "Between you and me, you carried the whole damn movie. Don't tell Rose I said that."

I laughed and gave him a smile. "Oh, trust me, I won't. I don't want to be at the receiving end of her temper."

A lot was riding on this movie, so I was relieved that they were so impressed.

After I got done talking to them, there was a long line of excited people waiting to congratulate me and fans waiting for selfies and autographs. They all seemed to genuinely love the movie. I wondered why Brenley hadn't, and why that bothered me so much?

Rose walked over and pulled me into a tight hug and then whispered in my ear, "I wanted to let you know I REALLY enjoyed making this movie with you." Then she leaned in and kissed my cheek and looked up, giving me a flirty smile, lingering her gaze on my eyes for a little longer than was appropriate before turning and sauntering away.

'What's gotten into her?' I wondered.

Rose was engaged to the head of a major production company, but she was definitely flirting with me. I had been in this business long enough to know that there is no loyalty in Hollywood relationships. I had been hit on by so many married women throughout the years that it wasn't even funny. Most of them were very powerful, wealthy, and beautiful, but I always turned them down because cheaters aren't attractive to me at all. Any woman that would cheat for you is a woman that would cheat on you.

I turned around and that's when I realized Brenley wasn't behind me any more. I scanned my eyes across the theater and didn't see her anywhere. I started walking around to find her, but I got stopped by several more people wanting to talk about how incredible they thought the movie was. It ended up taking thirty more minutes before I could finally escape the theater room to find her.

The large event room next door was where the after party was being held and the lights were already dimmed, loud music was playing with a heavy bass and there was a long table of food and a separate open bar for drinks. There was a large dance floor in the center of the room that was full of couples dancing and that was surrounded by tables of people sitting down and eating. There were also groups standing around and talking, so it was going to be hard to find her in that crowd.

I got out my phone and texted her.

'Hey, where are you at? I can't find you.'

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