Log 1: Welcome

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Moss Vultaid.
Also known as Mossix.

Her green wings fluffed behind her, her ear feathers twitched as she finished a repair on her ship.
Her ship was called "Ala". Spanish for wing.

As she closed the tool box, she flapped her wings a bit. They ached from not moving much due to her concentration, which would be a problem while flying. She sighed, clicking her toolbox into the tight restraints she had for it. She didn't want it flying around and almost killing her with a loose hammer, like last time.

She sat in her captains chair, tapping a few buttons on a keyboard, which opened up a holographic screen. From there, she scanned through useless S-mails, checking on the ship's general wellbeing to make sure she missed no repairs.

Once that had been cleared, she prepared for flight. She rushed around the ship, making sure nothing would fly around. Moss was a reckless flier, often almost crashing and destroying the entire damn ship. But she had loved it. The feeling of freedom, going anywhere she wanted, being free from-

A loud buzzing sound, followed by a melody made her realize she was getting a call. She looked at her wrist, an armband with a small holographic screen was vibrating slightly. She sighed, realizing what she was about to get into. Nervously, she tapped the button, her dark brown hair shaking with her.


The loud voice of one of her friends, Avani Winchster, sounded through as Moss made her way back to the cockpit.

"Hello, Avani."

Avani was a well known character around the expanse of space. Nobody could compare to her outgoing, loud, extroverted personality. Not to mention, she was the head of a fleet called The Rifles, with some of her friends.
She had light brown, almost blond hair, curling over her shoulders. She wore a Grey mock-neck (a sleeveless turtleneck) with flowers and plants protruding over her fair skin. She was a forest Nymph, with antlers, elfish ears and a tail. Her green eyes bore onto Moss through the screen, clearly battered but excited nonetheless.

"Guess who just caught an entire band of criminals!"
Avani held a hand to her chest, fake shock on her face. "How'd you know?"
"Just a hunch." Moss chuckled, before continuing. "Who'd you catch?"
"Well, if you wanna know so badly, I just caught the Sun Skiers."
"Aren't they the ones who stole that shit from the sun base in Aliend?"
"You betcha!"

The thing Moss liked about Avani was that she was so honest and fun. It was hard to not laugh around her, no matter the situation. Well, except if one of your pets died. Then it's hard not to cry around her.

"Huh? Oh shoot, yeah! Sorry Moss, I gotta go report to the Big lads. Talk later?" Avani suddenly spoke, anxious on what Moss would say.

"Go ahead, and yeah. Bye!" Moss said, trying not to let the disappointment slip in her tone. That failed.
The screen clicked off, leaving Moss to more S-Mails. She sighed, closing the apps, not wanting to answer them. Then she got a notification. She peeked at it, nervous.

"Dear Mossix Vultaid," it read. She continued, it peaking her intrest.
"You are requested in the Town Quindle of the Planet Urlion for a meeting about being hired. Pl-"
Moss stopped reading. She didn't want to willingly chain her to a job, no matter the pay. SHe was going to stop at the planet anyways, but she didn't want a job.

She closed her apps, readying the ship for the short flight to Urlion.

Little did she know, this visit could change her life.

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