Log 17: My questions have been answered

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"Turn down the ship's heat, we're going into hell!" Avani shouted, making sure things were buckled down. Kora and Willow were the farthest from the heat of the planet; due to being part fish this was dangerous for them.

Avani sat on a call with Orion and Malfus in Rose's room, trying to figure out where to go.

The place near the graveyard called Skeleton's Cafe, please. Rose wrote, trying to be as specific as possible.

"Alright, take us in!" Avani said, then repeating the directions Rose gave her.

For a second, it was cold. Then it felt like hell was boiling them up. Rose sat up a bit, a little off-balance from injuries, but she welcomed the heat, seeming to enjoy it more than the coolness of the ship.

After a bit of flying around, they made it. They lowered the ship to park, and once they were, they got ready.

Rose put on a hoodie and some sweatpants, hiding her lower arms. She stumbled out with the help of Avani, and was passed off to George and Moss.

"The rifles and I are gonna get something to eat at the cafe. We'll take Willow and the criminals in as well. Have fun, you three!" Avani shouted while walking out with the Rifles, who were bickering amongst themselves.

So after some stumbling and almost falling over, they got outside. Rose took a beep breath of air, while Moss was sweating waterfalls. George seemed kinda used to it, but still sweat occasionally.

Rose lead them to the graveyard, and she stumbled in. When she said 'friend', a dead one was what she wasn't expecting. She hobbled over to a stone, sitting on it and doing sign languag- since when did Rose know how to do that?

George leaned into Moss's ear, and told her the story.


Rose heard some crying.

Normally, she wouldn't pay attention, but these cries sounded urgent. She ran over to find a baby, a CHILD in a box. There was nothing on it, and the baby looked like it was a few minutes from death.

So Rose picked them up, and went off to go get baby supplies. She guessed she was a mother now.


Tilly walked through the house, bouncing happily. She just made Mommy a picture, she couldn't wait to see her face.

Her mother was sitting on a chair, looking at the news. Something about a new criminal in a group called C.U.C. It confused Tilly, so she didn't look into it much. She preferred cartoons over adults talking about how bad things are.

She went and tapped her mom on the shoulder, as Rose looked over. When Tilly showed the image and saw her mom's bright face, she happily flapped her wings.


Rose gently brushed and cleaned Tilly's wings, they had gotten dirty from playing outside.

"Did you have fun?" She said, happy to see that Tilly nodded her head with a big smile.

"Yea! The Magmas are cool people. Ricky said that his sister didn't wake up this morning, so he played a song called "Chrissy wake up", and BAM! She was awake!" Tilly shouted, making big gestures as she spoke.

Rose chuckled a bit, moving on to brush out Tilly's hair. It was a long, dark-magenta with a big white part in the front.

"I'm gonna wake you up like that!"


Tilly had been getting worse and worse.

Recently, she had been diagnosed with Wither's Disease. It's what Rose gets for trying to raise a foreign species in the Nether system.

She had been trying everything, but the medical bills were becoming a bit too much. It was hard to handle, seeing her daughters form laying in that bed, skin turning black as the infection made its way to her throat.

She thought she was doing well, until she received that call.

She cried all night, ignoring everything from the outside world.

She wasn't okay.


"So that's why she's a criminal? So she could pay off debt?"

George solemnly nodded.


"She's doing better now, but she promised to come here every year. That's why this was so important, so she could meet the missing part of herself. It puts her at ease a bit." George muttered, looking at Rose. Tears were streaming down her face as she left some nether-native flowers by the grave.

"I guess my questions have been answered." Moss said after a minute.

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