Log 3: She isn't that bad

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After about 40 agonizing minutes of waiting in that dumb building, Moss's holo-watch notified her that her ship was complete. George had left soon after Rose paid him, so it was just the two. Moss alerted Rose, and led her to the Ala.

"This is your ship? It looks.... nice." Rose said, still under the mask. Her lower arms were always near her blasters, just in case.
"It's the Ala." Moss responded, quite happy with Rose's reaction to it. She looked over her shoulder to see Rose with a duffel bag.
"What's that?"
"I need clothes, don't I?"

Moss shrugged it off. She probably wasn't lying, the flight from Urlion to Crim was about 3 moon cycles. 3 moon cycles with the biggest criminal. Nothing bad would happen. Hopefully.

As they loaded up, Moss showed Rose around the ship. Where she would sleep, where she would shower, and where the kitchen was. Moss could and has lived off this ship for years, despite it's small build. That ship has been crashed more times than she can count, but it was home.

Moss made her way up to the cockpit, Rose following behind. Moss plopped in her chair, as Rose sat in another one near the back. Then a loud buzzing and familiar melody sounded through thr ship, startling both inhabitants. Though wearing a mask, Moss could see Rose's face crystals popping out in shock slightly.

"Hey, Miss Valley? You might wanna hide from this call, my friend is a bounty hunter. She'll, y'know...." Moss gestured. Rose understood, going to a doorway where she won't be seen, but can see the screen and hear the conversation.

"WHATUP BITCH!" The familiar voice of Avani sounded through the speakers as Moss answered the call.
"Hey, Avani..."
"You good bitch? You seem pretty out of it."
"Yeah, I'm fine. How have you been?" Avani quickly dropped the topic, and spoke about how she caught a few criminals in the past few days. She was rambling.
"What have you been up to?" She questioned, a goofy smile plastered on her face.
"I'm just being a taxi for the next 3 moon cycles. Great pay, and don't worry, I'll be fine."
"Oh, really? Who are you towin' around?" Moss stiffened.
"They don't really like revealing themselves. They're just getting to Crim."
"Who wants to go to Crim? Really, anything in the Nether System? All the planets there are like if hell tried to be pretty."
Moss couldn't help but chuckle. The nether system was the definition of hell.

After a bit of chatting, Avani had to go. Leaving Moss to end the call, and fly out of Urlion. She was glad to be out of that deserted wasteland. She drove around the planet a bit, warming up. She passed many towns, most of them having something to do with gambling.

They exited the atmosphere, as Moss powered her thrusters. Then she resorted to playing on her holo-watch, sneaking glances at her forbidden passenger.

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