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That's what Moss had been hearing for the pat 20 minutes as she struggled to stay gliding in the air.

A few hours earlier....

It had been the day after Moss's preening, and Rose came in, a smirk on her un-masked face. She hadn't been wearing the mask since the incident, and seemed more comfortable. It was a relief, Moss could read her expression better.

"Land on Hebera. I have a plan there."
"Isn't Hebera really fucking snowy-"
"Sure it is, but there's an area-" She pointed to a spot on the map, it seemed to be a village of sorts. "-Where it's not that cold. I can handle it." She said confidently.

So here they were, landing on one of the helipads. After Rose (forcibly) paid for parking, the trio (including Willow) went down to a flight range.

Squawklings are subspecies of humans and Rilo, a species of bird-furries, basically. So they lived in a cold-ass planet with a lot of places to fly around, and a shit-ton of wind for gliding. Moss seemed fine with the cold, a small hoodie draped over her frame. Willow seemed mostly fine too, with two hoodies. But Rose had on 5 layers, and was still fucking shivering.

"Okay, to fly, you need to make sure your wings are prepped. Crouch down, and have your wings' underside facing the ground. Close your eyes, flap them a few times, then jump with them, and just keep flapping at a steady pace."

Moss did just that, making it a few feet in the air before she flapped wrong. Sent flying to the ground, Moss grumbled, sitting up.

A few more tries of this, and Moss grew frustrated. She went over to get a snack while Willow and Rose brainstormed.

"What if we use her like a kite?" Willow suggested.
"Like, we let her fly up with a rope tied on her, then you run while pulling her. I can play some music so she can keep on beat!"

"You madlad that might fucking work!" Rose said, running to the ship for rope. Moss returned, confused on why there was a tied rope with a speaker on the ground. After the explanation, the snack-break they had, and a bit of negotiating, Moss was crouched, this time with Rope.

She shot herself up, Willow turning on a random song, while Rose started running. Moss was guided along the wind current, and things were going smoothly. Sure, Moss stumbled a bit, and her wings hurt like shit, she was doing it. Tears pricked her eyes, and she got enough into it that she flew faster, causing an exhausted Rose to let go.

The rope fell, as Moss went faster and turned. What none of them expected was an air current to send Moss to the fucking floor.

Willow and Rose ran over to her, but she was just laughing. And crying. She was so fucking happy, she did it without her wings being a pain.

And with that, they did more exercises that day, before passing out in their rooms, euphoria from the day still high.

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