Log 6: Damnit George

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They were still on Jamen.


But Moss needed to stay because she was owed some Creds. So they were here for the second day now, when Rose came up to Moss.

"Hey, Bird?"
"Moss. What's up?"
"Can we go out?"

Moss was surprised about how timid Rose sounded. She never though that the Top criminal would be scared.

"Okay, you're gonna see my face. Say a word and I'll kill you."

About 40 minutes had passed, and Rose came out. She looked so... human. She wore a cropped sweater with only two sleeves, her hiding her other arms in her shirt. She had covered her gems with makeup, making them look like freckles. Her hair perfectly hid her ears. She had her mask with her just in case, and a bag. Though it was hard to tell, Moss could still see the magenta leg wrap in her bag.

"Let's go!" Rose said, a small smile on her face. Willow came out as well, following Rose.



As the trio walked through the streets, they practically blended in. It was vacation season, so the streets of Jamen were packed with different species. As they were walking near the bank, the alarm went off. The makeup couldn't conceal how Rose's crystals spiked a bit, and Moss's wings fluffed, while Willow just looked surprised.

Four figures rushed out, and bumped into the trio.

"Hey Val!" One said. It was George, the same fuck that tricked Moss.
"THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Rose exclaimed, trying to usher the group off so they wouldn't be caught.
"Well Az, Yeetzy's, Xav and I robbed a bank." George said smugly. Rose just sighed. She pushed her arms out of the shirt she wore, put on her mask, and took off her makeup, and pulled out 2 guns and 2 daggers.

"Treat Birdy and Axol here like a hostage. We got a fight to do!" Rose said. She was smiling under the mask. She stood in front of the group, like their leader, as George put his gun up to Moss's head.

"It's on safety, don't worry. Heading to Crim means a lot to Rose, and we aren't that much of dicks." George reassured, as another figure did the same to Willow. Moss begged to differ.

A Shootout began, with Rose running ahead the group and doing the most damage. She didn't have brute strength, but she was agile and had amazing reaction time. Dodging this and that, landing hits and kicking ass. It was an art form, and Moss just looked in wonder. But the officers were getting ballsy.

They shot at George and the other person who was holding Willow, and Rose couldn't keep up.
"GET OUTTA HERE!" She shouted, holding officers back. George and the other person started running away. George was getting directions from Moss, and lead them back to the Ala. From what Moss could see, they weren't followed. Until they saw Rose and the two others rush out, bleeding, bruised, and exhausted.

"Get in! Now!"

Then, an Officer appeared out of nowhere. Willow and their "captor" got inside, but George had released Moss.

A Shot was fired.

George dodged.

Moss saw her life flash before her eyes.

She braced ready for impact.

But nothing came except for the weight of a person and the ground hitting her back.

She looked down in pure horror.

Rose's eye was now just a bunch of blood, raw flesh and steam.

George grabbed Moss and Rose, and rushed them in the ship. Then he went out, grabbed his friends, and rushed up to get out of Jamen.

Shots were fired at the ship, but the Ala was strong. As Moss sat there, processing what happened, the other three ran out and started trying to help Rose.


Avani stretched, before sitting and watching the most recent news.

"Breaking News! In Jamen, criminals George Red, Yeetzy's, Noah Azure, and Xavier Rabbi robbed the planet bank. Top rated criminal Rose Valley appeared on scene. Two hostages were taken, both un-named as of now, A Green-winged Sqwakling and a Blue Axol. They got away on a ship, but it is assumed that Rose has gone blind, or even died due to a shot to her right eye."

Avani stared in horror as she saw Moss being taken away, but Moss wasn't fighting. She looked oddly... calm. She called up Moss, to see her worried face in shock while flying.

"Moss, I just saw the news, what is going on."
"So that passenger... Rose threatened me. I had to."
"And are you flying with George, Yeezty's, Noah and Xavier now?"
"Moss that's really fucking dangerous! Why? Fucking drop them at a planet and fucking leave!"

Moss just had terror. She only had that face when worried.

"Avani... She's my friend."


755 holy shit

also george i didnt have a title so sorry hottie

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