Log 8: Friends Now?

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Moss was flying.

But in Panic.

As she swerved and dodged several bullets from the D.O.O.M. ships, her energy expanded. She focused on nothing and everything, everything blurry yet clear. She knew every maneuver she did, yet put no thought into it. This adrenaline rush was enough to send blood rushing to her head, but she didn't care. She was free.

Meanwhile, Rose was practically strapped to her bed so she didn't fly around. George strapped himself to the wall, as the other criminals did the same. Moss was so reckless, that everyone was surprised she hit nothing. A voice came over the speakers:

The criminals rushed to the cockpit, ready for orders. Normally, they wouldn't listen. But seeing their life on the line and how important it was for Rose to get to Crim on time, they didn't get a choice.

"Two of you handle the guns, one of you stay with Rose and Willow, the last can help steer!" Moss shouted suddenly, but everybody got to work. George went to watch Rose and Willow, Xavier and Noah handling guns, and Yeetzy's was left to steer. But they would have really liked to shoot some fuckers.

Blasting through, a blur on any star-maps, they dodged any attacks. The group felt so free, and out of habit, Moss spread her large wings, flapping them a few times like she was the one flying, ignoring a pain in them. It was a beautiful sight, and the ship moved so elegantly.

After a few hours, they were 100% safe. Moss had passed out, as she usually did after big flights like that. Everyone fell asleep easy, exhausted after the adrenaline rush.


Rose, Moss and Willow had bid their goodbyes to the quartet. They had stopped on Kornoa to drop the criminals off. Willow made great friends with Yeetzy's, so that was sad to watch the two leave eachother.

But here they were, flying away. Rose seemed a bit lonely, Moss suspected she was more than friends with George, I mean the two were practically inseparable.
She blinked her left eye, the only one she could blink from now on. She was still healing, so minimum movement was a must. She was just looking out the window at the stars whizzing past, seeming to have her thoughts focused on something else.

Moss had a heavy guilt looming over her, so she tried to solve it, even just tiny bit.

"Hey Rose?"
"I-I'm sorry."

Rose paused at this.

"It's not your fault. I dove in front of you. It's all mine." Rose said, gaze not leaving the stars.
"But it is! I was the one who went to the bank. I was the one who should have gotten hit. I-"

Moss stared at Rose, wide-eyed. Her arms were clenching into fists, and her eye was practically a slit.
"I did it. I wouldn't have done that for many other people. But, the sooner we get to Crim, the sooner I'll....."

She paused, trailing off. Her eye went back to focusing on the stars, and her fists unclenched.

"Rose, can I tell you something?" Moss asked after a few heartbeats of silence.

"I-I can't fly."


517 Words.

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