Log 7: Oh no, space pirate.

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Moss was still flying. She wasn't focused on much, just thinking about Rose. She'd taken a bullet for her, in her eye, and now she could lose it.

Hell, she probably did. But she was too in the zone thinking about how hurt Rose was. She still had Rose's magenta bandana, the one that was always tied to her leg. She looked it over, curious on what made it so important. Then she spotted a name.

Tilly Valley.


When Rose woke up, one of her eyes stayed closed. When Rose woke up, her head was pounding with a headache and lack of anything. She was hungry and thirsty as fuck. But she had a hard time getting up. She didn't feel like moving, and even a slight movement made her entire body spike with pain and exhaustion.

When she'd finally opened her eye, she realized he was in the Cargo bay of the Ala. Xavier, Yeetzy's and Noah laid around her in a protective semi-circle. George was laying next to her, looking exhausted. She smiled at the gesture, attempting to stand up. She couldn't, as a pain shot through her side.

Yeah, that.

When she had been holding the D.O.O.M. guards back, she'd been shot on her left side. It still stung, and she couldn't get up. She grumbled, looking at the bandages on her side. They were bleeding through slightly, but oh-fucking-well. She'd dealt with worse.

Then, she realized she was missing her bandana. Frantic, she looked around. Nobody had it. She pushed herself up, panicking and ignoring the pain. She limped through the halls, searching for the magenta memoir. Then, she arrived at the cockpit.

Moss was on the chair, asleep. She seemed uncomfortably warm, the ship was hotter than usual. Rose peeked around, finding the bandana on the keyboard and sighing. She tied it onto her leg, and turned down the ships temperature. She lumbered back to her room, flopping on the bed and snuggling under the covers.

And for the first time in years, she drifted to sleep easily.


Moss awoke, noticing how she fell asleep on her chair. The temperature was lowered, and the bandana was gone. But she noticed something else.

There was a trail of blood on the floor. Small amounts, but it was there. Rose had come through. Moss stepped up, stretching and walked to the cargo bay. In the bay, the villains were still asleep. Rose was gone though, and when Moss found her in her room minutes later, she was bleeding. A lot. Her moving reopened the wounds.

Moss went out, gently shaking George.

"Nmmhmmmm..."He grumbled.
"Rose is back in her room. She reopened her stitches."

George got up eventually, and went to tend to Rose. Moss headed back to the cock pit, noticing texts from Avani.

2:32 pm
-Hey. I know that they're your "friends", but I told D.O.O.M. You'll be safe soon, they're coming to get the 5. I'm sorry, but we've got a job to do.

As soon as Moss finished reading in shock, a blast fired at the ship.

Damnit, we needed to leave. Fast.

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