Log 12: New and Old friends

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Moss was rapidly spamming her texts.

She was asking to call George, to be met with a screen of him, Yeet, Arrow and Noah.

"What's up? I didn't figure you to be the person to call some criminals." Yeet said in the backround, playing on a Nintendoo Flip (purposely misspelled) on Super Smash Guys. He was losing.

"Well, RoseandWillowgotcaughtbyDOOMandithinktheyarentokayandimreallyworriedand-"

"Moss! Slow down!" George yelled, worry crossing his half-and-half face. He eased Moss into explaining, and by the end, the quartet of criminals had shock, while tears were running down Moss's face.

"Shit! Moss, what's the nearest planet?"

"D-Dranaum..." Moss said, choking back sobs for her friend and child.

"We'll meet you there. Get some more people if you can, we'll get some as well." George said, shutting off the call.

Moss weighed her options. Avani was her only friend that could help, maybe her only friend besides the criminals in general. But she was a bounty hunter.

When she regained senses next, Avani was on her holo-screen, looking at her with worry.

"You alright?"

So, Moss broke. She said everything that had happened after the bank break-in, albeit really fast.
"S-So, I need the Rifle's help.. Please.."

"Moss, that'd make us criminals.." Avani pointed out. "You're probably now considered one for helping Rose.
"Avani, please.... I have questions. Rose's leg wrap said the name "Tilly Valley" so it's a relative, plus she knows how to preen wings, she said she knew somebody. Plus, she seemed so desperate to get to Crim. I wanna know what's going on, but I wanna help her and Willow. Please Avani, we don't have to talk after this but I need them back.."

"Alright. I'll talk with the Rifles. Goodbye, Moss."

And with that, she hung up.


Moss was leaning against her ship on the planet Dranaum, a savannah-like planet. She was waiting for the criminals, checking her watch to see where the D.O.O.M. ship was going. She flapped her wings a bit, a nervous habit.

Then, a small ship landed in front of her. Out walked George, Yeet, Arrow and Noah; following behind were Blapples, a merchant turned insane trickster, and Jayska, a tall cat who was mute.

"We couldn't get more people, sorry.. The C.U.C. doesn't really care about captured criminals." Noah explained, trotting by.

"Alright, come inside, we gotta plan." Moss said, leading the six inside.
"Does anybody know the layout?"

Nobody spoke, dropping Moss's hope. That was until a voice spoke.

"We do."

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