Meet you (S01/C04)

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Disclaimer; I don't own Yugioh or the characters on this show

Staffel.1; how they came together

Chapter.4: - Meet you

You are not too far away from the placa or in a more remote area. Since the run away was rather spontaneous, they couldn't find the time to quickly find a way out for all three. Yes, that's right, we were caught by a group of young people when we were chasing after the friends of my former host. Luckily we got a few things that were told before we were attacked by a bunch of people. What had surprised all of us, however, was that there was no reason to do so, after all, we didn't know them and or there were no reasons whatsoever to provoke this. But our reactions were astonishingly the same, it was only necessary to make eye contact with each other to record what we were thinking of each other and you could easily look at the surprise in our faces, so we had moved a little further away from the placa and successfully hung up on the crowd. What prompted us for the first time to stay under cover until we were sure that the air was clean. Since we were loaded from our little lane, which only contained one garbage can and was still big enough for the three of us, we had a good field of vision over the facility. While we supported ourselves on the wall and waited, we didn't talk about it because we all three of us were of the same opinion that there was a mix-up between us and someone else ... In this regard, it only confirms us in that way more that we are right here. We had heard the noise from which the crowd came to us, but these were things that were alien to us. Which raised a question; What did this pack actually want, especially when it came to their hikaris? Well, we just have to hope now that they don't find us and just to make sure they are far enough away from them in the next 10 minutes to sneak back. That should work without much effort and without being softened.

After not even the first few minutes were up, the time passed in silence and sluggishly. You could feel the wind as it blows past you. It was so quiet that you could even hear a pin if someone would drop it on the floor, it was so quiet. After not even half the time, one of them got fed up with waiting and would have liked to storm their way into the wind. For them the urge to advance was too impulsive than to fight against it. he looked carefully at every direction before moving forward. It looked very peaceful in both directions, but whether this remains is something else. However, he takes the risk, with the other two behind them at the same time, they are keeping an eye on their surroundings just to be safe. The other two weren't exactly enthusiastic about it either and had a similar urge to move forward, but they hold back more. Your Yami colleague was rubbish and began to step out of the alley with one last look at the others. The other two took a few seconds before they decided to go after him. It didn't take long to walk the long way back, although it consisted of many and short turns, but the white-haired Yami had a good eye as a thief for something like that, as one of the rules applies where it is very important to know your surroundings.

They didn't go long, maybe it was only a 3 minute walk that they had to walk after the couple of turns, which from then on only went straight until they were at the entrance to the placa. Once there, they didn't end up with the luxurious car that was parked there, which was not the case with their previous stripping. With Yami's closer inspection, he was able to determine that it is not one of Kaiba Corb's usual Schufför limosines, but a normal car that is unknown to him. But it was confirmed to him that this Kaibas car was there on the front of the car sign with the initial SK with the numbers 4446. Which makes it only obvious for him what the initials actually mean and what is typical for him. While Yami continued to look at it, the other two got bored with nerves. Their eyes looked around everywhere but when bakura's eyes were focused on the vehicle that was lit in the mirror, on its attached mirror, bakura saw the crowd slowly trying to get too close to you. Before Bakura tried to let the other two know, they were discovered and surrounded in no time by a crowd of reaching mobs. All three had different signs on their faces, Marik didn't make a big uproar which made him look quite relaxed, Bakura's eyes began to twitch at all the annoyed behavior of the others, while Yami's patience waned. The bunch of brats had started to bomb them but this time they fought with words to get away and explain to them that they are not their lights, because it only makes sense for them that the mob apparently swapped them with their other halves the thought came to you with another question in your head that you leave lying around for now because you assume that this will be clarified later.

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