So? (S02/C06)

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Disclaimer; I do not own Yugioh or the characters from this show


Season 2; New beginning

Chapter.6: - So?


The morning of the aspiring day began to break in the light of a beautiful sun play of a dawn sunrise. On this early Wednesday morning, the birds and their chirping stab more prominently to produce a musical song supported by chimes and the strong wind to make it sound even more beautiful, very melodic. For many it is very nice and pleasant to be woken up and accompanied in the early morning, early risers, but for others it is pure agony and annoying, late risers. Those of you who loved waking up with it used it as an additional alarm clock to keep up the rhythm of getting up, especially during the week. And those who didn't like it had only one choice, turn around and go back to sleep and whoever this didn't help get up half asleep and end it. The times they started singing was always when the sun came up and that meant it was school time or at least time to get ready for school. So it's logical that all those who got up early are the ones who don't mind and don't mind even after just a short night of limited sleep. These elderly people of the house also got up right after that to go through their morning routine, after all it is also relaxing in some other places to rest like under the shower or while bathing. Take your time, that's the motto in the morning. Well, each of them actually only did that about other things, but nobody mentioned that the bed wasn't part of it, right? However, the last ones to get up were the usual early risers who were actually Yami, Ryou and Malik and the others who are usually late risers were already waiting for them. But who can blame you, you had a hard day/night behind you. Which raised a little surprise, but that was it. This passed quickly until morning greetings were exchanged. The food was given to anyone else who was missing. The amazement was written in Ryou and Malik's faces, in front of them stood a vanilla choc cake that they edged well that only yugi would bake and since they know that yugi only bake for special occasions there was a gap in their thinking process to understand it . Sometimes it also happened that Yugi kept his things in a special safe and sometimes there were edible things with him. However, the safe is only intended for yourself and not for sharing, because there are also things that are difficult to disclose. They weren't ungrateful but curious as to why? They asked about it, there was also a short answer and this had somewhat satisfied their confusion. "Well you know yesterday was a long night for us and to be honest one of us here was dying of starvation yesterday and I was so craving myself so I figured why not makes sense? Because it doesn't really work for me, but it doesn't matter. Tell me how does it taste?"

A smile appeared on both faces after this answer, bit off a piece of the cake and gave another happy smile after eating. At the answer "Hai,-" there Ryou quickly nodded his head up and down with joy "- it tastes really delicious Yugi. As I often say you could bake something like this more often or you could teach me how to do it you conjure up excellently so that I can do it that way too." "yeah, yours just taste yummy compared to these." says Malik. "Hey hey thanks guys." Yugi was a bit embarrassed and scratched the back of his head slightly. Then Yami also started to try his piece, which also seemed enthusiastic. Of course it's one of the few times he tries something like it was the case with Marik and Bakura. Who were overwhelmed by the delicious novelty. They also continued to eat comfortably and for the others it was over. In the midst of the eating, there was a flourishing convention on the edge, which was about how things had turned out before. The first of them, Yugi, asked "How was it at Seto's last night?" Ryou chugged his tea and spoke between sips "It was... very nice at Kaiba's. We were, unusual for him, went out to eat." Malik climbed in "Yeah, that was scary, otherwise he never does that!" Yugi slightly rolls his eyes. "Well 'never' is an understatement, he does it sometimes but only when it suits him like when he wants something from other people!" Bakura and Marik burst out laughing at the words, causing the others to follow for a short while. After it had settled down, Yami gave a playful smile. "But we could ask you the same thing to Hikari!" Yes, you can do that too, what's the matter. After all, nothing important was done, so?" Oh, what about all the legacy from you? That didn't look like nothing to me kid!" "Huh? Oh that! Well we just had some fun so I guess it's normal that the result will be or not?! Then we would have fallen asleep while cleaning and that wouldn't be any better" countered Yugi. "Oh? And what did the four of you do in your room then was it fun like the rest?" Yami's grin got a little bigger and more playful. Yugi got nervous and couldn't find a good answer to that "Hey ehhhh..." Luckily for him, Bakura jumped a "We just helped him and mokuba upstairs to get them out of the way, at least we're glad to have you out of the way and looking after two little guys for finite hours is just as annoying as you are, only you're worse, you baka ass!" "And then what about the rest of all the other legacies, just out of curiosity!" "Like he said we had fun you idiot pharaoh and sorry that it looks like a super awesome modern party the city thought it was fun me, that's how I feel good and shouldn't that be when someone feels good, especially in an apartment?" Bakura confessed mockingly. Yami's gaze narrowed but the smile stayed, "Yes and no. Feel good yes, but to you no thief!" "Oh what a pity, boo huh!" came back sarcastically from Bakrra before he started growling at Yami which Yami returned as well. Both growl at each other.

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