The morning with everyone (S02/C02)

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Disclaimer; I don't own Yugioh or the characters on this show

Staffel.2; New beginning

Chapter2: - The morning with everyone

The next day the three yami's could go to school as well as their hikaris to not only learn what is hidden from them for the modern world, but also to be close to their lights to protect them whatever is hanging around out there. But beforehand a difficult hurdle had to be overcome called "STAND UP YAMI!" To be more precise, after all the years that they had spent as ghosts over a thousand years old and were sometimes already dead, they had problems getting used to the things they didn't need, but now they had problems getting used to them again. Since you are also allowed to live in a different time in which you don't really know your way around, even the sometimes taking possession of those light bodies had no use, but it was alien to them.

Malik got up very early, like every other morning, first to spend the time in quiet with his morning hour that he spends with his breakfast and preferably without being disturbed. Next to him, as always, is his brewed coffee and a hearty snack for the early morning. He prepared his appetite and with the rest of the time started to cook for the others, at least as best he can, because actually it was always Ryou who takes care of the meals and since there are more than at the beginning you would have to yourself too help out in other areas. At the beginning they even created a ranking table on which it says who can do which job best. You could see the different areas on it and then their respective names written in the fields. Ryou was ranked # 1 in the Kochfeld and Malik was ranked third, but that didn't mean much. After all, Ryou had lived alone for many years and therefore had to take care of himself and take care of himself, with which cooking is only one of the few things he has mastered. Yugi had the advantage that he had never cooked but was very familiar with the ingredients and the procedures, as he often helped with their food preparation in the past. As for Malik, he only mastered the basics and classic dishes that everyone knew and nothing more. But that's enough, too, and you can never do anything wrong.

It wouldn't take too long until Ryou was up to greet him, to prepare the food as usual, and then to stroll through his room with his plate. But since they are much more now and Malik does this for him, there is no reason to do so, so they could all eat together, which they rarely had time to do in the morning. Then there was Yugi who came after his morning shower to bring his food with him to take it with him on the way to his morning appointment because he always works about an hour and a half in front of school and goes straight to school and then disappears to work until he came home towards evening.

It is now 6 o'clock in the morning, you still have two hours until you have to go to school. The food was also slowly becoming good and could now pumble a little without something burning. He decided to drive his door through the dormitories to wake up the household. On the way to the stairs that led to the upper floors, Yami finally came across who didn't look like a morning person. Yami rubbed the sleep dreamily from his eyes and blinked out the last sleep and then said hello to Malik standing in front of him. "good morning Malik you're up early!" "Ah Pharaoh, good morning, yes I am normal of us who is always awake first. I assume that the others are still upstairs?" "hmmm assume that I haven't heard from them with Marik and Bakura just ruled dead silence and with the other two I wasn't sure." "Oh, I see" "And as for Yugi, he always stays in bed a little longer because when he comes home late he never sleeps much!" "I'll remember that well then" "So yami, how does it look are you hungry? I've just started cooking and the first parts should be good, do you want something?" "sure yes"

The two went together in the direction of the kitchen to make themselves comfortable. Yami, who has just got up, greeted his breakfast with a home-brewed black coffee and one of Malik's home-made churros, as this tastes great in combination when you dip the schurro into the coffee. Malik also sat at the table like Yami and also plastered a few churros, his was with extra salt on it, and was also accompanied by a cup of coffee. After a few bites of his food, Yami looked up to malik and gave him a complement. Then he looked to one of the windows, then to a digital clock that was on one of the worktops and finally to the stairs before he looked again at malik. Malik could only sigh and answer with certainty that he definitely knows that ryou would come every moment because his wake-up rhythm was the same every time. It is at the moment 06:15 which means that Ryou should most likely be there in a quarter of an hour.

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