(extra) Part 4 - help out und Promises

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Disclaimer; I do not own Yugioh or the characters from this show


A meeting was held at Kaiba Corb's immediately upon his return, but it did not go as well as he had expected. Immediately after Kaiba arrived at the villa, Isono had tied him up and, to his regret, he hadn't had the nerve for it and yet he didn't know he should miss the whole thing. The only thing he could do was calm down and put at least a few employees on his burdens. So he made a few calls in the meantime and had to face being others, doing, taking and against his will and he doesn't trust anyone, even now except for Yugi and Mokuba maybe Malik and Ryou but otherwise that's it.

His call wasn't the best, but he didn't care if the person didn't notice. Well, in the end he had someone to shit on anyway. His meeting was important, but in itself it was unnecessary as it was only about correspondence with other companies, like the one in which the girl and her two friends were, he had to do something urgently, otherwise the company would eventually be overshadowed , he must act! Then he was called not too quickly later from his work cell phone and had to apologize in front of everyone because when he saw the number he declared it to be extremely important. So he walked out of the conference room into the hallway and put his cell phone to his ear.


"Hello Kaiba to you too!"


In the later compartment of the day they both found out from Kaiba, who sounded quite annoyed, that Taicho was on his way to them. Kaiba had also mentioned that it was probably better that they should all gather in one room and the l, best of all, as best as possible. He hadn't said why, why or more precisely, but he said that, according to his estimation, they had half an hour to do it and to their surprise it only took them a little further down. When the doorbell rang, however, the result wasn't quite what they had envisioned. Especially since the six didn't really participate. At least this time they sat in one room and not in separate rooms. Luckily, Mokuba had made White's decision and stayed more in the background at the Hikari's side as a spectator. While he had experience of their behavioral mannerisms, he would not dare to step between something that did not concern him. He knows only too well that with someone with a big ego and pride, nothing can change anything except someone close to you.

When Mokuba opened the door, since the others didn't really notice, he smiled at her and she at him before going in and looking around. She became immediately queasy when she felt the surroundings. It felt thicker than last time, but she ignored it as best she could. She even had to resist the urge to sniff it. As the two came closer it became even more dense and when they entered the room you immediately noticed a stubborn attitude hovering around the room. She wanted to ask about it, but first asked something else "What are you doing here?" something much more suited to her mood. Her voice wasn't raised but bored with a mixture of annoyed. Mark wasn't startled, unlike Julian, but still jumped up a bit without losing her nonchalance and staying cool in front of the others.

They turned in no time at all, noticing a presence behind them. They turned and greeted her. And then the questions started straight away. "First of all, what is this supposed to be?" she looked at her fellow human beings "And...why do those 6-" she pointed her finger at each of them "-look so distressed?" Her mood was limited, but she did her best to devote her attention to her colleagues, who hesitantly and somewhat awkwardly in their choice of words, handed over their status report on the situation. While the girl listened with only half interest to what Ma and Ju knew, the others just stayed silent, not knowing what to do in this disgusting situation other than just shut up.

Book 1 - YGO DM : reunited and better than beforeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin