A new face (S02/C01)

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Disclaimer; I don't own Yugioh or the characters on this show

Staffel.2; New beginning

Chapter1: - a new Face

It has been three days that the light and the dark had reunited. They had to work out a few things among themselves because with six different characters it would be difficult to live under one roof. So they let each other endure some conditions to make life together easier. On the rest of the day that had just begun, they had actually only shown the Yami's to their room where they can sleep. However, it was ensured that you were in the immediate vicinity of the other half, but you could not prevent your rooms from standing right next to the one with Yami's. In general, all of your rooms were laid out on two corridors that were right next to each other. You could say that all the sleeping rooms are in a contiguous wing. If you go up the stairs from the living room to the 3rd floor, you would stand in front of a never locked door on the private room which, however, leads to the sleepy rooms. If one were to walk through it, a short corridor emerged that didn't ask for much except across the street. There were two doors there, the bathrooms are also decorated right next to the shower cabin bees, each with a sign indicating, left, sleep room 1 to 4, right, 5 to 8, so there is still enough space for two more guests. They looked at the rest of the bedrooms and quickly decided on which one they got. It was unusual because your choice of layout was right next door but, hey, you had to share a house where all the haikari's are, so you could get used to sleeping under one hat with the other yami's. Actually nothing happened to Dan anymore and after the dinner ryou had prepared everyone stayed in their room to sleep. The rest of the time they wanted to have rules on the following days since it was Friday and more time for this over the weekend.

The day after that, not much happened. After breakfast, for which they had to throw some out of the bunk, they put some of the many other rooms in front of them that were initially important. The door went through until lunch and then a pizza was ordered. Afterwards, some rules were laid down in the living room to make life in this house more pleasant for everyone. Everyone was allowed to set premiums for the requirements of the Hikaris, just to avoid disputes ensuing. The following day was again used to give you some knowledge that was not there for your time or about the time in which you were ghosts about things as not as the others. The need to catch up was very small, but still divided into different areas, such as things in modern schools and also with regard to the modern handling of new-fashioned devices.

The most important thing was saved for at the end who would affect the regulations of their identities. They had made kaiba create identity passports for you, which he had to invite you to present to you and explain the things you need to know about the passport or passports. This had to be done not only to show that they were citizens of the city but also to simplify things in the land of the living. The thing was that Yami, Marik and Bakura are not registered anywhere or each have a valid qualification or job to live, so they had to be taken care of. Of course that would mean that you would have to add some falsified results to the database, but there is no other way, at least not if you stay here. There would only be the problem with their 'names' - they couldn't possibly pass as Yami Yugi, Yami Bakura and Yami Marik. So they all just needed a new last name. You could just say you name them like Yugi, Ryou and Malik but that would only work for two. However, when Bakura came up with the idea to call them like the milenium objects because they had lived there for over a thousand years, this would only fit that would also be something that all three had in common. So from that day on they were called Yami Sennen, Marik Sennen and Bakura Sennen. At the end the agreement fell because of the sudden appearance of the three, if one should ask whether the Yami's were related to Yugi, Ryou Malik. Because they would virtually pass as twins. But in the end the vote came to the result that it would be practical to leave it with half-brother.

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