there you are (S02/C08)

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Disclaimer; I do not own Yugioh or the characters from this show


Season 2; New beginning

Chapter.8: - there you are


The next morning had progressed leisurely in their free time. Nothing special happened after lunch at Burger World. After that, they were the only ones who only stopped at the arcade to redeem the remaining promotional coupons before they expired. But among themselves it remained secret what everyone took, it should be used as a later surprise. Tristan was the only one of them who gave his away for someone else. And since everyone knows who they're attracted to, it wasn't a surprise that it went to Shizuka. Which then Otogie did at the same time. It was drama, it only got to the point that, although they didn't want to at first, they found themselves in a contest as to who was more suitable and better of the two. Which took up almost all of the time. In the end, however, Joey had the last word and Shizuka accepted both plushies.

In the end, the others got theirs before they set off back to prepare for the coming day.

Because although they hadn't thought of it, Thursday morning came promptly.


At the early dawn everything went quite normally and quietly, even with the occasional harmless quarrel and the like. Otherwise always, that is, since they, the Yamis, were there, which had otherwise been hectic and violent, but this morning, on the other hand, it was very harmonious and quiet, everyone was engrossed in their own thoughts. In addition, they also had the reason for getting up early because they are expected very early before school starts, which some of them find difficult, but thanks to Malik, they managed it. There were protests from certain Yamis during the wake-up action, how certain was Malik the first to wake up and he woke up the others right after his first cup of coffee, which he personally liked. The first was his psychotic Yami Marik whom he had given a big smack with a pillow. Thanks he got a big yelp from Marik. Then it was the turn of the psycho Bakura, who he had done the same to, only remembered to use a pillow and a bucket full of water to pour it over him. Then came his Hikari Ryou and then Yugi and Yami. What apparently wasn't necessary, as he saw it, was waking up the pharaoh as he just about spotted him coming out the door as he left Ryou's room and was about to wander towards Yugi, so that wasn't necessary anymore.

Then, as always, they gathered downstairs in the kitchen and, as always, ate their favorite breakfast dish, which Malik prepared again because he was the first to wake up and can bridge the time between getting up and the others arriving. And as far as their new habit fared, this time Ryou and Yami had cleaned up the kitchen after eating while Malik tried to settle the two brawlers. Yugi for that had packed the supply during school time for everyone. And when they were done with what everyone was doing, they had already set off towards the school. The way there was as always its own thing and yet entertaining, that wasn't too long either, but only until they entered the gates, because then, as it is, they would split up and go into their assigned class, yes now they all go together, even though it's the directorate. But what awaits them there probably doesn't affect everyone and the others would have to go ahead anyway.

They were in front of the Directorate's door and wanted to press the button to enter. there are still relatively early were you want to play it safe and first knock if someone is there. In fact, they heard a reply telling them to come in. The door opened with a slight push and twist of the knob, revealing her also pregnant and the contents of the room. two medium sized rooms not too small and not too big perfect for a consulting room. It was initially big enough that at least a lot of people would fit in if I was even all six of them plus director and secretary if need be so in general it's a very large room perfect for storing bureaucratic papers which has plenty of cupboards why should. and all the storage spaces and drawers are gone, you shouldn't forget that. And yet she still has enough leg and freedom of movement.

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