(Extra) part1 - research

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Disclaimer; i don't own Yugioh or the Characters from this show


Time passed quickly when the first Sunday of the long vacation arrived, since then four days had already passed and they had used them wisely by using the time to search for answers. Of course, they first needed to start and search for clues such as where to start or where would be the perfect place to get answers or how who can help you in an emergency! They had tried to answer that after and after and ended up tackling the obvious first as far as Malik's sister Ishizu was concerned since she and Odion possessed the most knowledge of modern knowledge than most scientists, archeologists or anyone else! That would mean that they had pulled themselves together all Wednesday to start, Friday to get to the bottom of the kind of questions they were lucky with and made direct contact on Saturday to start their research. This is exactly why two of the Yamis were in town this Sunday morning, waiting in front of the museum entrance for the last of them, while the birds in quartet played a beautiful melody in Rhythmic Chirping through the winds, giving them at least a distraction owned instead of daring to speak to the other.

Since Marik came later, it was also because they intend to warn Ishizu that Malik's dark side was back, despite Kaiba and Yami having already submitted the beginning on Saturday. In addition, it could also be because, as they knew, the last one came later because they said among themselves that they would always make sure that someone was with the Hikari's. And since neither saw the lights awake when they left, it's possible that he's shadowing his light to the last second until he seems happy. It was nice for Yami to know that not only he is very protective of his Aibou. He knew that the other two would never admit that, but he didn't need confirmation to know that from his former enemies. At the thought he could only grin and also at the knowledge and or the possible thoughts that even the tough guys also felt a soft core in the innocent three no matter who they were standing in front of, whether it was his own or that of the other Yami Instinct is still there. At least that's what happens to him.

The thing was as follows that they were already there on Saturday, only that the preparations had gone there earlier. There they decided first to send the pharaoh in schleptau with Kaiba, only because he wouldn't make Mokuba happy since then if he didn't do it. However, he did help out Yami by coming to the museum to talk to Ishizu after Malik reached out and contacted her from Egypt. From the looks of it, the conversation went well and Ishizu decided to catch the first flight to Japan and then also take the opportunity to check on her little brother! Malik had done his part and then twelve hours later the phone call came from her. The Kaiba had taken over, but then thinned out because he didn't care and his request was clarified! This left the pharaoh with the two in hindsight. During the conversation, Marik and Bakura were only verified as a surprise or as guests, since it is important for them to explain this to themselves instead of over a telephone that almost anyone can listen to if they want. And in their opinion they still have the modern and their technology to some degree, even if they aren't being too stupid, in a few cases they still had their difficulties. And sometimes they asked themselves how they managed to live in the past without these modern everyday tools?! Since the communication with carrier pigeons and news deliverers, as was customary in the past, was totally brainless and feeble-minded! As a modern adaptation to using communication, Yugi felt free to sit down with Kaiba and create her own contraption for the three of them to use. What then happened relatively quickly was only accepted with difficulty by the Yami's. There was a simple fascination with it and the interest in how so much knowledge fits into the little thing!? Then after some elucidation of the cell phone and its full use, it turned out that the Yami's need to be monitored a little to make sure nobody is using it as something 'dangerous'. But here they were, waiting for Marik at the entrance above, each device in his back pocket.

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