(extra) Part 3 - A Yami/Hikari Reaktion

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Disclaimer; I do not own Yugioh or the characters from this show--


In the morning when the sun reached the horizon and the rural crow cawed, the first to follow the sound and wake up. The first to wake up in this household were a boy with a wild tri-color mane, a boy with a waist-length white hairdo with two bat wings sticking out at the top, and a boy with wild sandy-colored hair sticking up in the air. And each next to you a gentler version of yourself still sleeping. The darks looked at them with different emotions in their eyes and faces.

Bakuras was typically kept stoic and indifferent. But it also possessed a trace of... Doubt? It was difficult to place it with him. His eyes at least show that he was internally fighting a battle with himself. Marik, on the other hand, had a confused, pleased and energetic look at Malik who was still sitting on top of him. Yami is so full of happiness, joy and love that he has for his Aibou. Yami stroked his light hand, which he was still holding, and stood up slowly and unnoticed by the sleeping light to prepare food in the kitchen. This was joined by Marik minutes later to join in once he could manage to move his own light without paying attention. Bakura still stayed with the lights and continued to do his thing. It was only interrupted when he noticed slightly out of the corner of his eye how his lighter self was moving. Causing a chain reaction, Ryou smiled shyly at Bakura and then jumped up to wake up the others. And of course the smell of the dish didn't stay away from them, which made their stomachs growl. So the three of you went into the kitchen to see what the meal would be. And as befitted the youngest light, he threw himself on his Mou hitori no boku with a greeting and hugged him from behind. This startled Yami slightly, but he quickly smiled at it when he felt the sweet touch of a Yugi snuggling up against him. After a short time he loosened his grip and stood a little more next to the old pharaoh so that he could look over his shoulder despite his small size and asked what was delicious and what the reason for it was. However, instead of his darkness answering, it was Marik who did. But he did this directly to show that he had also helped and also to score something with Malik.

He behaved very strangely in the eyes of others and played James for them by serving everything. This made Malik look at his dark half in surprise. In the end, however, he moved forward and let himself in for it. But one thing he couldn't suppress; a smile. Bakura, who stayed at the back of the group, was still buzzing around lost in his thoughts, but at least he sat along with everyone without hesitation. Then sat at the table and everything was quiet. Hikari's sat next to the other Hikari's, Yami's sat next to the other Yami's as well as the matching Hikari to his Yami was always opposite. They each ate with mixed feelings...and it became even more complicated to figure out exactly what they were feeling when the lights cleared their throat and said "Ano...we have to ask you something...eto...what do you think ... to go out?" got everything sledding.


In the morning, only at a slightly later time, the Kaiba brothers were on their way to the Handy's house, as Mokuba called it. Arriving at the door, Mokuba stood happily with his usual grumpy older brother. Who only came along because his younger brother wanted to hang out with the lights of the idiot gang, so he took the opportunity to clear some documents with the others. He didn't hesitate to ring, waiting for the appropriate response. But when his temper was running low, he reached into his jacket pocket for the spare key he needed to let himself in.

It surprised him when, after entering the door and the halls, he noticed the living room with a tense atmosphere. And it looked to him like the three on the seats might have messed something up since their counterparts aren't there. Since Seto also knew that his little brother must have gone upstairs without a doubt when he quickly realized that the people he wanted weren't there, it didn't matter to him how he showed himself to them. He approached them with his arms crossed and a proud stride and a cold, freezing look that said he wasn't in a good mood and not to provoke him. He took an annoyed breath, frowned and slapped each of the three Yamis across the face to awaken their dead senses, so at least it worked that way and fortunately it helped a bit. Again he crossed his arms in front of his chest, straightened up and stood in front of the three. He was bubbling with desire to release his pent-up emotions. And since the three came to him just very right. "What's the matter with you idiots? Get your act together, no matter what the reason is!" Yami touched his cheek where Kaiba hit him "Kaiba what are you doing here?" "My intention was to accompany my brother here and in case of use you to raid documentaries. However, when I see you like that then I get sick!" He looked at everyone closely and raised an eyebrow. "What misery has happened to you guys, don't tell me you're in the early stages of a mid-life crisis!" Kaiba had to smile at his dry joke. Although there is also some truth to it. Sadly, for the answer that came, his smirk began to fade. "What is this fellow Lef-Cris thing, Priest?" Marik asked 'Fuck... that's right' he didn't have the nerve to explain it, did they even know what puberty is then? 'Oh man the poor! Yugi, Ryou, Malik, dress warmly with them is there still a lot to come?' "Oh, whatever happened is bound to be minor, so I'll get straight to the point!" He did it quickly without wasting time giving everyone some papers and even making some sign them after explaining the purpose. Kaiba needs maybe one to two hours for everything to have everything signed, explain everything and answer questions in time. In the end he packed the things in his briefcase and wrote to Mokuba that he would proceed and that the things that were necessary had been arranged. Before he left the house he said at the door "You really need help!" he stated with this statement. "And wh...?" "Don't you dare do anything stupid! I would hate it if Mokie didn't come in a good mood and beg me to help." so he left leaving the Yami's alone in the room who didn't even have time to explain themselves or anything. "Huh? For what?" question them confused and left unanswered. "Guys is there something wrong with us or something or did the priest lose the shipment?" "What do I know, Kaiba has always been weird no matter Seth or Seto!" Yami answered Bakura's question. Laughter erupted from them until their minds reset to previous bases. Then the awkward silence came again and Marik couldn't help but resignedly ask himself what his light was doing.

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