Trust you (S01/C05)

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Disclaimer; I don't own Yugioh or the characters on this show

Staffel.1; how they came together

Chapter.5: - Trust you

It took at least an hour until they managed to get home without paying much attention. Normally there was nothing wrong with that, but it would be problematic if you were met by someone you knew who were not familiar with your background story and then suddenly saw your duplicate in front of you. That would be difficult to explain and also needs a good idea to make it seem sensible that suddenly someone who looks like Malik is someone like Ryou and someone like Yugi, you would almost have said they each had an older twin brother. Fortunately for them, however, the streets and the sidewalk were mostly empty, it all looked pretty normal for the few who walked there. There was a great silence the whole way, nobody had said anything, the only thing you could hear were the footsteps of the others, the animals made loud sounds around them or the howling of the wind that blew past them every now and then. Everyone was preoccupied with their own thoughts and activities while they were walking. But for the yami's it had felt a little more difficult than they initially thought.

Initially, when they were looking for the three lights in this short time, Bakura and Marik began to talk to each other in order to develop ideas on how to gain the trust of their respective lights. The problem was that they each had no idea how something like this worked, even though they had mostly wound themselves into the darkness in their hearts, they still had problems to come to terms with it and deal with it. You tried again to ask for the help of the Pharaoh but how are you supposed to manage this completely perplexed? It was clear that their lights now hated them, rejected them or even repelled them, but if you knew the two Yami's well you could say that they didn't give up the word in their vocabulary. You are aware that you have to do everything in your power to get along reasonably well with your other half, which in turn would mean trying to gain your trust and to fight to convince you that you are no longer as malicious as before are.

Of course, as always in the imagination, it is always easy to act as you imagine it is more difficult than done. First and foremost, it was clear to them that they had to find out what the light likes in order to act without it looking like they were making something appear malicious! So the problem is how you would find out, you just ask, No, that's too conspicuous, ask Yami, no, he probably wouldn't know either because he couldn't understand the problem so well, you might be spying? Too complicated and time-consuming at the moment. Then probably hope for the best through compulsive conversations and don't let them slip away ... yes, that fits for the moment. After all, it should get out of town quickly, it just needed from both sides ... something ... what was that called again? Oh yes ... cooperation!

The silent silence in the living room still echoed through the whole living room in which they do not know how to interact with each other or who should start first. At the moment Malik, yugi and ryou were sitting on a long white coutch that stood in the middle of the room. If you were facing the coutch, Malik would sit on the left, Ryou would sit in the middle of the coutch and Yugi would linger on the right. Malik, who was sitting to the left of it, was sitting upright with his arms crossed and his legs crossed, also resting on the coutch. His eyes were closed and his expression was given a slight frown. It was written on his face that he was very tense, but it wasn't so difficult for him to get over this situation, he just didn't like to meet himself again whose presence he detested. Next to him sat Ryou with his legs drawn up, resting on his chest, propping himself up there, his arms wrapped lightly around his legs to play absent-mindedly with his head bowed in the direction of the knees on his white 3DS. Of course there was a small gap between the two supporting each other to see through to take a look at his game, which he tries to ignore the environment for the current situation for the most part. Of course, this restrained and nervous attitude about your walk only came over when he realized what situation you were in again. Yungi sat to the right of it and his attention was turned to the blanket, which was more interesting at the moment, his legs in the normal 90 degree position, but his hands and arms were used as pillows to support his head. His look was dreamy and emotionless, even in his mouth not a single angle and his eyes any emotions would remain hidden if they are there at the moment.

Book 1 - YGO DM : reunited and better than beforeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt