unplanned or planned? (S02/C05)

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Disclaimer; I do not own Yugioh or the characters from this show

Season 2; New beginning

Chapter.5: - unplanned or planned?

It took some time until everyone was at the place where they had set themselves as the next goal. As known, Joey had gone with his two friends Tristan and Otogie towards his Wheeler apartment to hang out there and at the same time to keep an eye on the two lovebirds that they were keeping their hands off his sister. The apartment was quite small but also very comfortable. It's just enough for Joey and Serenety to feel at home there and if they had guests like now, there would be a bit of a lack of space, but that's doable. To be honest, the siblings didn't really care about this point of the cretik either and it was only incidental. Yes, they had it a bit more restricted than before in their father's apartment, but if that was all they had to do without to get away from there, it was worth it. Also, they just hung out with their friends outside of their room anyway, which made things pretty dull, the important thing was that the two were fine. But his friends also tried to persuade him to get a bigger hut, even if they didn't have enough money, the point came up again and again that Kaiba could help out. But seriously, would Kaiba ever do such a social thing voluntarily? And if so, is that just because it's something he would prove or because his younger brother insisted on it. And if you're already talking about him, Joey would bet at any price that his previous condition of a conversation didn't have much else in the background that was only intended to lead to his own purposes. He wouldn't know him any other way.

But with Kaiba's current openness, the conversation turned out differently than you would normally expect from him. Exactly what different might mean is undefinable but for his cold heart it just wasn't kaiba's usual action. Kaiba had preferred to escort the three to a more private location as the conversation was not intended for civilized and normal citizens' ears. He invited her to an extravagant cafe where only the finery or the snooty crowd would linger. This was also immediately recognized by the structure of this cafe, which was only dressed up with expensive-looking decorations and ornaments as well as furnishings. Everything that was offered screamed that it was so expensive that normal earners would go bankrupt just to set foot in it once. After checking in, one of the waiters led them in the direction of a four-person seat and gave them each a home-issued card before he went on to meet the next customer. The waiters were happy to keep their customers waiting for a while before coming back to continue the service. During this long period of time, customers had more than enough time to think carefully about their order. And they didn't want to push their customers - that would speak against the prosperity of this cafe. They looked at the menu one after the other to find out what there was to choose from in this cafe and then, more incidentally, the price. What was good is that the CEO of kaiba corb is paying anyway, so it wouldn't matter anyway. Everyone looked at the card that was lying in front of their eyes and immediately saw that it was only a somewhat rough description, which is not unusual since such cards are only marked with the name of the dish, its component food and the corresponding amount. This card was divided into the categories: Cakes, Drinks, Pastries, Desserts and a category called Other.

They quickly came to a conclusion and got through the formality of ordering and collection before moving on to the interview. Their decision wasn't difficult for anyone, Seto only took a black coffee from the drinks area with no sugar and no milk, Malik took a large piece of crumble cake and a middle piece of chocolate cake from the cake category and one in addition The drinks department brought a matching caputchino with it, Ryou took a tea part with chocolate-covered pastries. Like Malik and Seto, Yami also took a coffee that, like Kaiba, had a complete black coffee with milk and sugar. He also wanted to get something extra because he somehow had a feeling that the whole thing here would take longer and he didn't really eat much that day apart from this morning's breakfast which he had tasted from Maliks. Paying attention to the food choices he could easily say that he didn't know too much about it and I guess he was around 35% of the things that say he knew it or at least had heard of it. Since he didn't want to limit his selection to this low level, he also went over to the dishes that were strange to him and could only either fish out something on the off chance that at least sounded good or simply ask Ryou what the whole thing is. His choice was still indecipherable even after showing the whole card so he had simply taken one of Ryou's recommendations which is considered a tradition in every UK household on a holiday in December. According to Ryou, this undefinable thing was called Plum Pudding. He didn't want to be rude and was happy to try the dish Ryou showed him that he should try even if it seemed a bit strange for the time. Yami didn't really understand why, but he still had to warm up to this topic of traditions and holidays and their meanings.

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