Impressed (S02/C04)

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Disclaimer; I don't own Yugioh or the characters on this show

Season 2;New beginning

Chapter.4: - Impressed

At Bakura and Marik their mood didn't look bright on the previous day, it was more fluctuating and yet it remained lame. It was that morning that they got stuck. One can simply say that they are not satisfied so far. First there was the conflict between them in a gruesome way, then the beasts hunted an insatiable speech, well at least it seemed like that to them, and in the end they were ordered to go after little Yugi in the direction of Kaiba. Oh how bad it was for her. They did it involuntarily in order not to make Malik angry anymore, although Bakura enjoyed it because most of the anger belongs to Marik despite it was Bakura's fault. His prank had taken its turn with pravur. What more could you want an angry Malik, a clipped Yami and a restrained Ryou who tries to hold back Malik but who mostly fails. For him it was fun to watch. The scene at Marik waking up, the scene at breakfast and the wild hunt that followed because of his provocation to Marik and Malik. Yup he enjoyed the morning. It also gave him the kick to make Marik look pretty bad in front of everyone, which throws him off course as long as everyone throws the blonde. As long as his nibbling and threats worked, it just gave him more ideas. He didn't care if they understood each other, he just wanted his fun, after all, he finally had a real body and why shouldn't he take advantage of it even though he's only just beginning to make everyone hot. His dealings did not look unnoticed, however, there was no attention to what slightly annoyed him. He always had a goal and his goal is uncertain. He just couldn't imagine what important things he had to do. It was always called revenge on the Pharaoh but now it was impossible it felt for him as if all evil had disappeared in him but still some traces of the chaos had left traces. Damn it was all so human and he hated it, he hated the new human emotions. Bakura knows Marik and Malik's relationship to each other well and how their personalities used to be, it wasn't anything he couldn't deal with. Marik behaved like a child in some situations, which made it easier for him to triksen but only with caution, above all, you should be careful that he does not fall into his alter ego moduas, he can quickly grow his familiar behavior from childish to psychiatric / protective change it only depends on one act of the other. Both were really a bit distracted this morning, even if everything was fun, the rest couldn't keep up with that which began when they arrived at Yugi's.

When they caught up with Yugi's current location, they were quite short-tempered. They took the time to clarify many things and keep them in their minds. May it be so small too. Sometimes they felt torn, disturbed, funny, bored and also hurt in this silent moment. They could not find out why and why, but still amazed at some of the findings. The realization of the feeling of tearing inside, it was ambivalent on the one hand your feelings but also not yours and yet familiar what seemed to ... good ... to you. And yet a lot of their part apart: torn. The other was disturbed about themselves in the subconscious and also against their Yami comrade-in-arms the conflict remained as it was for now, he insisted on further. What is strange is that everything in this way leads to one thing ... its light. The feeling of inner boredom is then brought out in terms of what sin would also do, is that their mutual bond exists again. And they didn't like it. However, it also gave them an unknown smile to serve that was strange and unaffordable to them but somehow also ... felt strangely good. They were not comfortable with all the emotions and were afraid of all the new things, which they would never admit. That's why they were happy to see the little dwarf to ignore this.

Their way felt bumpy for a while and also very stony to their release they found the little one not too far away from them with an oh so inconspicuous fork in the road. They approached him on discovery. Who could also sense them by only quietly sounding footsteps, otherwise the streets in this area would be uninhabited, it could hardly be any. To his discretion, he recognized the person quickly or, best of all, people. He could tell with every step that her movement was approaching him. He didn't want to be rude and show you with a simple expression that he took you to know. Thus, with a simple smile, he turned his head back over his shoulders so that he could look at her. Yugi greeted you from afar by closing his eyes smiling and then shaking his head and emitting an ohayo. He got an unexpected reaction back. The one from Marik came from a simple nod and a wave back and bakura who just nodded his head in silence, probably to express a yes or an acceptance. So they stood next to each other just to show the rest of the way. They didn't talk much, but if it was about the subsequent activity that should follow at kaiba when they arrived. Yugi explained these things while the others just listened. Did you have another choice? Maybe! Marik just like "Sooooo I can ask what exactly we're supposed to do there, I still don't check it!" Bakura pissed off "After what do you think what's going on holkopf!" Yugi took this playfully seriously of both of them and was ready to help out with the lack of knowledge. "Well, we had, or better said, you two weren't present yesterday for some of the regulations and / or clarifications and this should be made up for and also for the things you need. He made it short and compact and gave the space to hide the more precise part because it makes no sense anyway with two who are constantly arguing to speak clearly without being interrupted.

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