chapter two: a sunday afternoon

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I did my best to forget yesterday's troubles with Delilah and the whole set up. Although the same question lingered in the back of my head all day who were they going to set me up with?
The best distraction in the world was none other than Karlie Kloss. Not only did she have a specialty in talking about random nonsense for hours but she also happened to be my best friend. When I need a distraction I called her. Well okay to be fair, I called her for everything, today in particular however I needed a distraction.

Today we met a quaint little coffee shop in the hidden corners of Hollywood. It was a nice and quiet Sunday morning. I had arrived first. My guard led me in and then lost me to the crowd. There was not much of a crowd but he was good at giving me my space, and seated himself at a table a few back from mine.
I pulled up a small wooden chair for myself and looked down at my phone waiting for Karlie. She never was early to anything unlike me. But I did not mind. I watched as people walked in and out with berry smoothies or green tea frappicinos or just plain coffee roast. The smell of the place was to die for. It's wooden decor along with the smell of freshly grounded coffee was the most perfect combination. I could not help but let my mind wander. It was a common meeting place for me and Karlie.
I had no intentions on telling her of my current drama. I just wanted to forget in all honesty. I had not seen her since the night of the party I had accompanied Abigail as a third wheel. She was there but we did not hang out together that night. Lots of stories she would have I'm sure.

Finally she arrived and practically pranced to meet me at our designated table. I jumped up to hug her and then it began; all her stories. To her credit, some were pretty amusing. She was a funny drunk I could not lie. After twenty minutes of non-stop Karlie it was finally my turn to speak.
"So what about you and that guy?" She started in her complete gossip girl tone. She leaned her head in resting on her palms. She was curious. Shame I did not have much of a story to tell.
"Oh it was nothing. I don't even know his name." I dismissed any dramatic reconciliation. In that moment it had just occurred to me he did not disclose his name to me, he didn't even attempt to give me his number or anything .. Weird.
"Taylor you don't know who that was?" She looked at me like I was crazy. The events of that night had been mostly depressing so no, that boy was the last thing I was thinking of at the end of the night. What with all my heartbreaking phone messages?
"Um no..?" I replied. She was kind of making me feel stupid.
"That was Calvin Harris," she gushed. "It so happened he was doing the music at the bar that night."
"Oh" I breathed. Now I felt stupid.
"What was he was talking to you about?" She was in complete fangirl mode now. No saving me.
"Nothing. He didn't even introduce himself."
"Probably because he assumed you knew.. He's pretty hot right now." She talked as if she knew a thing or two about the music industry media. Even if she didn't, she was right. He was currently toping charts as the highest paid DJ in the world. Fame was not exactly a thing he was pursuing anymore.. Like me.
"Whatever, it didn't go anywhere, if you were wondering. Probably won't ever see him again." I dismissed the conversation however the events of that night played in my head for the first time since they happened. He had asked if I was alone, which was code for are you single? He called me pretty. He must have been attracted to me. I mean you do not come and talk to someone like that on any given night right?
Of course I did not tell Karlie this. I kept the story as blunt as possible. I did not want to talk about it. The idea of ever dating anyone was too complicated, too painful. Every time I tried to move on, all I saw was Harry. It was stupid I know. But I could not help it.

I returned home in the afternoon. It was no surprise me and Karlie's outing took a stunning four hours. I walked in the door, thanked my guard Paul, and placed my purse and stuff on the counter. I took my coffee - I had ordered a refill before I left- and collapsed on the couch. Olivia was quick to accompany me as we enjoyed some quality time together and Greys Anatomy reruns.
I was slowly dozing off when none other than Delilah Jonson gave a ring via text message startling me.
"Good News! I think we have found you a suitable set up Taylor! Meet me Tuesday for the run down and we can discuss details. I'm sorry about yesterday, trust me you will like this:)"
Sigh, she seemed so nice when she was nothing but a screen of words. In person she was more stern. Exclamation points did not suit her attitude or tone of voice in any way, yet she used them in text.
Who the hell could it be. Was it bad I was picturing best friend Ed Sheeran? Haha no that was absurd. Delilah was not the type of woman to set up something or someone I actually liked. No she was going to "male shop" for herself, not me.
"If only I could chase my own happiness Olivia." I spoke to her, she only looked up briefly then returned to cleaning her paw. I giggled.
"At least you make me happy." I gave her a good petting and then got up to fix dinner. The pure bliss of living alone summed up into two actions: cooking for one and talking aloud to cats.

So I hope you like my story! Sorry if I update a lot it's just so fun:) please leave some comments of suggestion or whatever you like. It helps me write:) thank you everyone!

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