chapter twenty five: new york

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"Whose your next boyfriend going to be huh?" A pap yelled at my face, clearly trying to simply get my attention. Nonetheless it was rude.
"You jealous bro?" Adam yelled back causing me to laugh. We were now in the safety of the car. My guard drove. I was still laughing to myself.
"What?" He asked clearly unaware as to why I was giggling.
"Just the way you handled those paparazzi... Harry... He would just.. He always got so mad but like you... You're so funny." I stumbled for the words. I hated talking about Harry in front of him. It felt wrong.
"These damn New York paps are ruthless!" He defended himself. Not at all upset I had mentioned my ex.

I was so beyond thrilled to be with Adam again. We had spent so much time away from each other I was simply happy to be with him now. I had never shown him my New York home before. When he first arrived he was in awe of my modern decorating. And of course I had my cats with me who he happily greeted. Tonight me and him were going out to dinner.
He had been planning this dinner for weeks. While I was away he would call and talk of all the possible things to do once we had time together. Tonight he was taking me down to the city for a stunning night out -private from the public. The restaurant in itself was not too big, however because of the fact it was reserved from not just anyone it was indeed more fancy, no paparazzi, no random people pointing phones at us while we ate, just extremely rich people all enjoying their friends or meals and not watching us. It felt nice, it felt normal.
Despite the fancy atmosphere, Adam was in his usual; jeans, black tee shirt, jacket and sneakers. Oh course, he somehow was still the sexiest man in the room. And I was not just implying that because he was my date. I was dressed in light blue. I adorned a matching crop top and skater skirt accompanied by my beige colored four inch heels- still no match to Adams height. I had at least tried to dress nice, even though I found the look of matching crop tops and skirts had become more of the usual attire.
I would eat my plate in silence. Every time I looked up I noticed him watching me with a huge grin on his face.
"What?" I finally asked in a laughing manner after the feeling became uncomfortable.
"You're just so gorgeous and I'm happy your here." He said simply as he took another bite, not shifting his gaze one bit from me. After our meal he asked me if I wanted to go to a bar or night club but I refused. They were not exactly my thing. He did not mind my refusal however and took me back home. He walked me into the apartment complex and to my door.
"Aren't you coming in?" I asked questioning why he would not want to granted he had no where else to go in New York.
"Well I did not know if you would want me to."
"It's not like you haven't spent the night with me before!" He shrugged and came in after my comment.
My back and fourth attitude during the beginning of our relationship seemed to have brought on a permanent wariness in Adam. I wanted him to stop but I knew the reason for it was my doing. He never knew whether I would embrace his love in open arms or cower away.
"You can stay here, as long as you need, as long as you're in New York I should say."
"Thanks." He grinned as he put his things down and texted his drivers most likely canceling any driving/hotel plans.
It made me kind of sad that he had assumed I would kick him out. Even when he had no place to go or no purpose other than staying with me.
I watched him as he set his stuff down and clumsily took of his jacket and shoes. It would be weird living with him- I guess with someone else in general. I never gave it much thought but now I did. And it was the little things that were weird. Not so much the company or the person your with. It was the simplistic things like watching him relax on the couch or get water from the fridge or leaving to use bathroom. I do not know but it was indeed weird.
I remember what it was like living with Harry, only it had lasted two weeks. After he flew out to greet me here in New York we were then flown on a private vacation to the Virgin Islands. There I spent two weeks sharing the same house with him. It was uncomfortable to say the least. The only thing I truly remember adoring was the fact I did not have to sleep alone. That was definitely the best part. But all the other little simplistic things eventually drove us off the edge and we got in a fight and then I had to leave. He broke up with me a few days after that. I was always better off alone, I knew that now. I could not imagine having to live with Adam whether I truly loved him or not. And while I was away on tour I did think about us and our current status. I think I told him I loved him too soon. I had no idea if I loved him for real. We had only been "dating" for four months and honestly I still did not believe this counted. We were forced to date, Adam never asked me out of free will.
"Adam.." I asked hesitantly as I caught myself speaking my thoughts. "What do we have?" I wish I was not so inclined to share what I was thinking, but without answer I would have been driven to insanity.
"What do you mean?" He asked glancing away from the movie we had put in earlier. Funny thing was, I did not even really know what we were watching because I was so lost in thought.
"I don't know... It's just... Very confusing." I fought for words. I did not know exactly what I was telling him.
"I don't think this set up counts as dating, don't you?" I blurted out.
He looked at me finally realizing my concern.
"Well I don't know about you, but I was not at all being forced to come down to New York for a few days to see you." He said genuinely still watching the movie. And I guess that was true, this in-between-tour-meet-up was none of Delilah's doing.
"Would you rather make it more official?" He asked for the first time turning his gaze to me across the couch. I gave him a confused look. How could this get any more official? He just grinned and moved closer to me wrapping his long arm over my shoulders.
"Taylor would you please be my official girlfriend?" He said in tone more cheesy that serious. I laughed he was cute.
"I think that would be nice." I said simply as I buried my head into his neck and swung my arm around his toned frame. I felt his hand rubbing my back as he gently kissed the top of my head.
Screw Delilah and all her plans. Screw the media and their deceitful ways. Screw Harry and the memories he planted so deeply into my head. This was my life and I was currently enjoying the boy I had laying right next to me.

Hey guys sorry for not posting so much! I've fallen so behind in this story haha. Anyways please leave nice comments and oh if you read this prove it by commenting what you think will happen next!!

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