chapter twenty-nine: swan goals

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Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. I did not see Adam as much anymore. My tour took me across the seas and far from his bed. A quick hangout was much needed on both sides. I had exactly two days in between tour to see him. Of course I wanted to see him. I wanted to spend every waking second with him. I missed his terribly. He was so good at working around my hectic schedule. I appreciated that above all. Today I was quickly being flown to his LA home where I would spend the night and the next day with him. I was so excited.
Once I arrived I basically ran into his arms. Adam happy picked me up and greeted me with a much awaited kiss.
"I've missed you so much." He said smiling up at me with his bright goofy smile I adored.

We spent most of our day talking, catching up. He cooked me a delicious meal for lunch. We sat and watched a bit of TV -although neither of us were really paying attention to the screen. He kept planting kisses on my forehead as I ran my fingers over his chest.
"What should we do for the rest of the evening?" Adam then asked.
"I would be perfectly fine to stay right here." I breathed resting my head on his chest.
"I would too," he confessed. "But wouldn't you rather do something amazing?"
"Like what?" I giggled.
"Let's go swimming!" He chimed.
He quickly got up with all excitement.
"Why so excited?" I asked, channeling my curiosity.
"Because I just redecorated it and bought all this random pool crap. I think you will enjoy it." He said happily.
I smiled, his enthusiasm was contagious. I was so happy to be graced by his electric presence once more.
"Do you have a swimsuit love?" He asked next before rushing upstairs.
"Haha yes," I smirked at him. "Let me just go get my bag and-"
"Don't worry I'll have my housemaid get it." He said. I stopped in my tracks. I watched as Adam exited the room. Was this truly a good idea? I waited patiently for him to come back. A very nice looking lady in casual clothes approached me with my stuff.
"Here you are miss swift." She said kindly. She looked to be somewhere in her 40's.
"Thank you so very much." I smiled.
I walked upstairs to my guest bedroom and decided to change. I had packed a casual black bikini with me just in case I found myself swimming. The top had a frilly-edge to it and so did the bottoms -extremely simple. I quickly changed. It was simple enough but something inside still gave me butterflies in my stomach. I hope Adam would not mind what I was wearing, exposing so much skin and all.
I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!"
Adam happy troded in in nothing but his swim shorts. I was convinced he could make any piece of clothing sexy.
"Hello there gorgeous." He smiled and walked over to me, visibly admiring my body with his eyes. He came behind me and began kissing my neck.
"You look sexy." He murmured. I let his hands graze my bare skin from my waist up. He was always turned on so easily.
There was a knock at the door once more, only this time it was a different door. I turned around and looked at Adam.
"Whose here?" I asked searching his eyes for an answer.
"I may have invited a friend to join us." He smiled.
I threw on a cover up dress to answer the door. To my delight it was my best friend Ed Sheeran who greeted me.
"Ed!" I exclaimed and greeted him in a hug.
"I've missed you!"
"Hey! Thanks for taking time out of your precious moments smashing faces with each other just to hang out with me." I blushed as he joked. He himself was already clad in swim shorts and a casual tee shirt.
"Let's go swimming!" Adam shouted from behind us. He was overly enthusiastic about his pool toys.

"Are those swans?!?" I laughed once we hustled outside.
"Hell yes!" Adam said as he began to pull my dress over my head.
"Easy Romeo." Ed joked once again. Upon that Adam pushed him full force into the water and we all began dying of laughter.
Eventually we all made into the water and onto obscure water animals. Ed rode a turtle, Adam the swan, and I a pegicorn. Adam then proceeded to get ass around water guns and it was war.
It was all fun and games. At one point Adam and I gained up on Ed and full on soaked him which he deemed unfair. Every once in a while Adam would pull me aside to kiss me or run his hands down my body but we were always caught.
"For fucks sake leave her alone!" Ed would yell before squirting us with his gun. Adam called it jealousy, I just thought it was funny.
"Tay get on this swan with me."
Adam said as he hosted me up. I clung on his muscular back and felt the warm sun beat upon mine. Everything is this moment was so fun, so light, so buoyant. I savored every second of it.
"Ed! Can you take a picture of this!" I asked him enthusiastically and he happily agreed. Adam and I made a few silly poses as Ed snapped a few shots.
"Is it Instagram worthy?" Adam asked, knowing I seldom posted any of the pictures we took together- which was more than I would like to admit.
"Actually I think so." I said with a smile. He turned around and kissed me. Ed shot that too.

Later that evening once we had dried off, eaten dinner, and Ed had returned home, me and Adam looked through the photo.
"Swan goals!" I acclaimed at random as I found a photo of us both being utterly silly on that goddamn swan float.
"I'm posting this!"
"What are you fans going to say?" He asked.
"Swan goals duh." I remarked and captioned it exactly that.

HEY IM BACK! I just had a five hour flight haha and wrapped this up... I doubt anyone is still keeping up with this story anymore but if you are, COMMENT IF YOU STILL LOVE THIS STORY

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