chapter twenty-six: so soon

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I woke up the next morning in a bed too big to be my own. Adam had insisted on sleeping in the spare bed room despite the fact his tall frame barely fit in the small twin sized bed I owned. He was doing his best to respect me and be a gentlemen. Plus I never knew how to ask him to stay. Deep inside I wanted you. I wanted to reach out to him and curl up in his arms ask him to stay with me the whole night. But every time I failed in doing so -too afraid or insecure I guess.
I woke up early and prepared breakfast for the two of us. Eventually my phone began to ring as it did ninety percent of the time whenever I was taking a few days off.
By the time I had made breakfast I had already had a chat with management, tour management, guest performers, and many other pressing issues. I was about to put the phone down to eat when it lit up with Delilah's number. I sighed as I picked it up once more.
"Hello?" I answered boredom already doused in my tone.
"Taylor! How is your time off with Adam."
Oh of course, it was my weekly check in. I gave another heavy sigh before replying.
"It's nice." I said rather dryly. I was actually enjoying it but she would be the last to know.
"Have you to done anything exciting together?" She asked trying to pump me up but failing miserably. What did she even mean by 'exciting'?
"Not really... I mean it's whatever."
"You know me and Sarah worked miracles in his busy schedule to get him to New York... so that you two could have a few nights together."
She inquired as if I should be thanking her for the amazing opportunity.
"Yeah well I don't think he would be thanking you exactly... Over his sleeping situation and all." I said surpressing a laugh.
Payback. Now who feels guilty?
"Please don't tell me you kicked him out of your bed?" Delilah sighed with disappointment.
"What makes you think I'd ever sleep with him?" I said rudely.
Even though that had already happened... but that was besides the point right now, giving her a hard time was way more interesting.
I could hear her complaining to someone over the phone, I tried really hard not to laugh.
"Maybe you should... hopefully it will... bring you closer together." She said, now she was angry.
"Nope not going to happen."
"Come on Taylor, you only have one more month."
Wait what?!? One more month? I was so terribly confused, one month and then what?
"Yup just a few more weeks and then we can create some dramatic break up story or something." She said ever so matter-of-factly.
"Because in June, it will have been five months and that's all we agreed on remember? Then you can go on and do what ever you wish. Plus none of your relationships last longer than that anyways so not breaking up would simply be suspicious."
What that an insult? I had seemed to have forgotten of the deal. I still cannot believe it's almost been five months already. It felt like yesterday we had just met that night in the bar.
I had nothing else to say to Delilah. The funny thing is, five months ago, I was dying for this day to come but now I wasn't so sure. The funny is, I actually liked him now. Silly isn't it? I knew getting attached was something that was never planned but was it too late.
You're overreacting Taylor you don't really love him.
Adam eventually strolled out of bed as I was about to hang up.
"Sorrrryy." I said grimacing once he noticed the cold, neglected breakfasts.
"Who you talking to babe?" He asked as he kindly took our plates and put them in the microwave to warm up again.
"Work." I instantly felt bad for neglecting his meal. But he did not seem to care. I was about to answer another call when he came and sat down across from me. He gave a glance at my phone, and then to the food.
"You're right, you're right." I said in a flustered tone.
I quickly put it away as he gave me a concerned look.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah it's fine." But it wasn't. I was feeling stressed and thinking too much about the wrong things. But of course I could never tell him this.
We ate our food in mostly silence. Until Adam finally spoke up.
"So what do we want to do today?" He asked as he happily shoveled down food.
"Hm I was thinking of inviting some of our friends over tonight for a stay-at-home type of party?" I said keeping my gaze on my meal.
"Okay," he replied. His tone suggesting he was expecting more. I knew I would have to busy myself with friends tonight. Without company I might accidentally say something to him I don't mean.
It was the then our eyes met.
"Well what do you want?" I asked probably a little more rudely than intended.
"That sounds perfect love." He said with a smile as if to ease the tension. But what tension?
"I'm sorry." I finally breathed.
"What for?"
"I don't know... everything?"
He smiled at me as he got up and walked over. I instinctively got up from my seat as well and met him in a tight embrace.
"Are you okay? I get the sense that you are a little uneasy."
I let out a heavy sigh. Maybe I was a little uneasy. I don't know why but having him stay with me had put me at unease. I just got so nervous around him lately. And oh shit, I could not get attached. I was reminded of that now.
"No I'm fine." I lied. He let go of me and gently placed a kiss on my forehead. Without shoes he stood a few heads taller than me. I smiled lightly at his lips touch. Everything about him sent butterflies through me now. It was all so tempting.
The rest of the day progressed with ease. I ended up calling Karlie, Gigi, Lena and a few other friends over to my house to come hang out. They agreed happily and all found their way into my apartment. I spent most of the evening with them. Joking, drinking and baking. It was very fun.
Adam followed me around most of the time, partly because for some reason he could not get his hands off me, and partly because he knew no one else to hang out with.
"You two are so cute." Gigi chimed after catching us share a quick kiss. I do not really know why but I blushed. Karlie just rolled her eyes playfully. Normally I would back away due to awkwardness but Adam only held me tighter. He wrapped his strong arms around my chest from behind me. It was weird. I felt so comfortable in his arms. Even with a bunch of people surrounding us. Me and Harry never immersed ourself with lots of people, and when we did we maintained a steady distance. With Adam it was different. He always wanted to hold me, and when he saw someone watching, he only made it more evident.
Karlie told me it was his way of showing me off but I just shrugged.
"But isn't it nice to be wanted?"

Hi everyone sorry for taking so long to update! This is a short chapter but I just needed to get something out haha.. School starts for me again (so soon right!!) so I might be a little inactive again:/ so sorry. Comment what you thought of this chapter! Thank you

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