chapter twenty-seven: lunch and moments

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The next morning I woke up late due to the fact I had been up most of the night talking with my friends who did not end up leaving until after midnight. I walked out into the kitchen to find it empty but with one little note on the table.
"Love you, out at the gym. Meet for lunch?"
I gushed at Adam's sweet note. He was always one to wake up on time and start his day. Unlike me who could lazily flopped in bed for hours if I had nothing to do the next day. As it was almost indeed lunch time.
I decided to get dressed and text him to find out where exactly we were meeting. The thought of him working out at the gym was hot. I do not exactly know why. But it was enough to give me some motivation to dress appropriately. Out of my closet I discovered a new pair of long pant overalls that looked cute. I paired it with a plan white crop top even though the overalls were not exactly high waisted. My stomach would not be showing at least. I combed through my hair and found myself perfecting my makeup with much more effort than usual.
I walked through the back door of the restaurant, unseen to the misfortune of the paps, but delight of me. Within seconds of walking inside I saw him. He looked so beautiful despite the fact he was wearing what could possibly be the most simplistic outfit ever. I blushed feeling over dressed.
I walked over and he pulled out my chair for me and helped me in. He happily gave me a peck on the cheek before seating himself across from me. He kept smiling as if he was so happy to see me.
"You look beautiful." He chimed.
"Thanks, I think I may have over dressed.." I mumbled.
"Nonsense its New York, you can't possibly over dress to anything here."
He spoke in awe of the city. He had not been living in the states long I could only imagine what he thought of the place. For the longest of time, it has always intimidated me too. Until Harry brought me here all those years ago. Despite not being a American citizen himself, he walked the city with such confidence and admired it so fully. I guess he kind of inspired me to do the same. We would always meet here when we were dating because he loved the place so much. But I did not move here until we broke up. Most people would view moving here as a painful reminder of all our dates and time off spent together here, but for me it was a new beginning.
I was snapped back into reality at the mention of my name. I looked up to see Adam waiting for a response to an answer I had not even heard.
"I'm sorry what?" I asked now completely embarrassed.
"It's okay, how are you feeling today?"
"Oh uh I'm fine. And you?"
"I'm pretty good now that you're here."
His reply was cheesy but sweet. He always had a way of lightening the mood.
But why do I do this to myself?
I should not be allowing myself to feel so attracted to him. How silly of me to forget it would eventually have to end.
We ordered our food and exchanged small talk from everything to the city to our families and so fourth. He was always smiling. It encouraged me to do the same.
I realized I spent so much time thinking ahead, thinking of the next step. I never spent much time soaking in a moment when I'm with him. Now, on the contrary, I would consider myself pretty good as far as living in the moment would go. But that was when I was performing or making music or meeting fans. As far as my "normal" life goes, I was not. Most of the things I did were abnormal. But the few things I did that every girl would do, such as going on a lunch date, I did not relish in it enough. Maybe that's because everything that is considered normal to everyone else is almost abnormal to me. Rarely did me and Adam get to go out. And when we did, my guards were only a few tables away.
"Adam," I said as I began to make an attempt at voicing my thoughts. "I just want to say that it was really nice of you to make time to come see me and that I feel I don't enjoy it as much as I should. I mean I am enjoying it but... You know what I mean?"
He looked at me with deep thoughts hidden in his eyes.
"You know I don't ever mind making time for you Taylor." He said simplistically.
"I know, I just think that our time is short and I just want to enjoy it more."
"What do you mean?" He asked now confused.
"You know, we aren't going to be together forever and I just want to-"
"Taylor I'm confused, as far as I know I have no plans on leaving you anytime soon."
"And neither do I but you see-"
"Is there something I should know?"
"No it's just-"
"It's just what?"
"Just never mind."
I stopped myself. No I could not bring this all up, not now. He did not know. Or maybe he did but he was told in a different way. It was true though everything Delilah had said has been tugging at me since then. I wanted to ask him about it but I couldn't.
"You make me really happy Adam." I said in my best attempt at shifting gears. I wanted to be happy I really did. But I was finding harder than ever. It would seem everything something good happen, bad would follow.
We decided to leave soon after that. But not until Adam had attempted in all his power to brighten me up. And he did. Soon enough we were laughing again. At one point he reached for my hand and happily held it in his from across the table. This I thought to be very sweet. For me it was all about the little things. Like him pulling in my chair, or holding my hand as we talked, or the way he always smiled when I had something to say whether he was truly interested in it or not. He made me feel like it mattered. All of it mattered. It was a feeling that was truly addictive.
We walked out to over a dozen flashing lights and people calling our names. But is was not as intimidating anymore. Adam gripped my hand tightly and we were all smile heading into the back of his black SUV. On the way back, we made out. It was a perfect date. And to think I  still had a few more hours of this bliss.

Hey guys short chapter but I just reallyyyy needed to get something out. I UPDATED YAY. Did you guys miss my fic? Is anyone still reading this? Comment if you want me to update again soon!

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