chapter fourteen: the ring and something more

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Adam arrived shortly after 7:00pm.
"Hello my beautiful queen." He greeted pulling me in a tight embrace which I gratefully accepted. Let's face it, he was easy to love.
We then resided to the couch. He pulled me in by his arm and I allowed myself to rest myself on his chest. I could hear his heart beating beneath his shirt. He smelt so good. That weird desire to kiss him fell upon me again. Fuck I was so attracted to him.
"What are you thinking about?" He says finally breaking the silence.
"You." I say quietly. It was true. He was running all over my mind.
"What about me?" He asks with a smirk.
"Everything." I breathe. I don't exactly know what that means but I say it anyways.
"I can tell you're thinking about something else." He says. Of course I instantly think of Harry. I thought about the way he touched me and how it made me feel. I was laying close to Adam but he want exactly touching me. I felt him the stroke my hair with one hand. Sadly the silence felt awkward. I guess only Harry could ever make it feel like home.
"I'm sorry. Are you bored?" I asked. I was so worried about entertaining him maybe that's why the silent was so horrific. But he just smiled.
"No I actually like this. I wish it could always be like this." He confessed. I broke free of his hold to look him in the eyes. They burned with lust and sincere love.
"Do you really like me?" I asked. I just had to know, even though my question was very vain.
"Of course I like you. What's not to like?" He said with his bright smile.
"Well I'm kind of a bitch." I said. I could hear him suppress a laugh.
"You're also extremely hot."
"Ha as if. I bet you've gotten with better girls."
"Trust me my ex... Now she's a bitch." He said laughing now.
"I take it you two are not on good terms?" I asked wanting to know more. Who was this girl?
"Haha not at all. Let's just say I've had some trouble finding girls who actually like me for me."
"So you're a little boy toy? Eye candy?" I say rudely but playfully.
"I guess you could say that."
I smiled back at him.
"And what about you?" He asked clearly wanting me to open up after he had just done so.
"Let's just say, I've only ever had like two real relationships unlike my inaccurate list the media has made for me."
He laughed and so did I.
"You and Harry were pretty close though." He said taking his tone down a level. He knew about us. I had already told him. I could tell it bothered him sometimes though. I don't exactly know why.
"Yeah. But it doesn't mean anything now. He's changed."
Thankfully he dropped the subject after that. What was between me and Harry should stay just between us. For now anyways. Adam turned to face me again. He looked me straight in the eyes with his deep blue ones. I noticed him grab my hand too.
"I really like you Taylor. I don't know what you've heard about me but damn I'm willing to change everything if it means I get to be with you."
I stopped and took in his words. I thought about what Selena said and how I had promised myself to not be fake. So I decided to go with it.
"I like you too. More than maybe this fake show we've been putting on...?" My words were hesitant but only because I did not know how to phrase them. I think he got it though.
"Here I brought you a little something." He said completely out of the blue. He got up and walked over to the kitchen counter where a little box sat. I had not even noticed he brought it in.
"Open it?" I smiled and accepted his gift. I slowly opened up the small bubble gum pink box. Inside lay a beautiful silver ring. It's band was in the shape of alternating hearts. I could not help but give a slight gasp.
"Oh my what is this for?!?" I asked as he put it on my index finger.
"Just a little something so you don't forget about me while you're gone." He smirked, clearly stunned at my reaction.
"It's beautiful. Thank you." I breathed. He just smiled.
Without much thought I did what I seemed appropriate. And that of course was to kiss him. So I did. I kissed his beautifully sweet lips right then and there. Oh god his lips felt amazing. I was so incredibly attracted to him. I was so screwed.
"Will you please come to my house tomorrow before you go?" He asked. I smiled. I did not want to leave either.
"Like would you like to stay the night?"
Wait what?!? I was not prepared for what came next. Was he inferring I spent the night with him?
"You mean like sleepover?"
I was so confused all over again. And as usually I asked all the wrong question.
"You mean like sleep together?"
"If you want. I mean I have plenty of guest rooms."
Ok good he just meant to stay the night.
"Is there something wrong with that?" He asked sensing my sudden confusion.
"No," I shook my head.
"I really like you Taylor."
Oh shit here we go again. What did he mean?
"I like you too Adam."
"Have you ever thought about... You know sharing a bed?"
Fuck did he mean sleep or like sleep. I wish I knew but I was too afraid to ask. Why did this night have to shift so drastically.
"What do you mean?" I asked hesitantly.
"Like would you want to spend the night with me?" He asked. He was so calm and patient. But I think we were going in circles here and it was making my crazy.
"Yes I would like that." I replied, I think he meant just sleep. Why did this have to be so complicated!
"Okay babe, I will see you tomorrow night then." He said, a huge smile gushing on his face. I walked him out with nothing else to say. I had no idea what I just agreed on. I could not even imagine sharing a bed with another person. I had not slept with a guy in like three years. I had only ever slept with Harry. Quickly I began to panic. I was so afraid.

Sorry this one is short! It's a build up! Comment what you think will happen next!! (lol fun fact this ring in the picture is actually mine:)

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