chapter twelve: the stange tastes of him

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I finally saw Adam again for the first time in three weeks at a publicist meeting with Delilah. He looked stunning in a casual black tee and jeans.
"Hey." He said once he noticed I was staring him down.
"Hi," I replied still in a daze then quickly turning my gaze away from his pants in an embarrassing fashion. I could see him smirk from the corner of my eye. I felt so awkward.
I took a seat polar opposite of Delilah and now Adam. I sat stiffly in my chair unlike Adam who sloppily sank into his seat a few chairs from Sarah and Delilah. He so enjoyed humoring the situation.
Delilah went about our meetings rumbling on and on about how soon we would both be on tour so we needed to spend more time together.
"Maybe I should just lock you two in a room alone together... Maybe then you two would learn to get along." She stated out of frustration at our public records. I could hear Adam give a light laugh.
"Oh that would be fun." He said amused. He disgusted me sometimes. I ignored him the rest of the hour.
Once it ended I made a swift move for the exit. I did not feel on the mood for tolerating him today. He of course, had other plans. On our way out I felt his hand grasp my arm. And so I turned around to face him for the first time so de that damn kiss.
"I am having a party at my house tonight. You are more than welcome to join. Or if parties are not your thing, you are more than welcome to stay at home." He was mimicking my sass, and it suited him terribly.
The nerve of this boy! He thought me to be the type of girl to hate the life of a party-er because of the way I behaved.
"No I will come." I said shortly, it was mostly to prove him wrong. I mean I hated parties, but I loved proving him wrong.
"Okay then, see you at 9." He was surprised. As well he should.

I arrived at 9:10 the room was filled with a bunch of strangers. I walked in basically a fish out of water into the massive pool of Adams friends. Tonight was going to be so enjoyable.
"Tayloorrr!!!!" My good friend Ellie came running to me and held me into a breathtaking embrace. Thank god a person I knew.
"I didn't know you were coming!" She said way too excitedly.
"Well I'm here." I replied.
"Oh great! Here let me take you to Calvin!! Oh and get you a drink of course!"
She led me through the maze of people. Most were eying me down. I made a mental note remembering I had to act like I actually wanted to be here, a hard task to say the least. Finally I stumbled into my supposedly boyfriend. He was in deep conversation with what would appear to be a good friend about some random shit. Also known as being drunk.
"There she is!" He proclaimed loudly, arms outstretched. I immediately wished I had never come. This was already on the road of disaster.
"Hi baby," I faked a smile, a hug, a laugh. The list was endless. He embraced me, tightly. I could smell the alcohol from his clothes.
I had been to Adam's house only once before. It was just now however I realized the enormousness of his built in bar. It stretched across the mass of the wall. The shelves were loaded will all kinds of drinks. And everyone had one.
I struggled out of his grasp. He was squishing me. He pulled me in by my ass and leaned in to kiss me. I had no choice but to comply. I kissed him once more. It was sweet, just like the first. Only the first had been much better.
All his surrounding friends were watching us. I gave him a dry peck on the lips. To me it meant nothing, but to a drunk Calvin Harris it was everything.
"I love you." He started gushing, all his friends were either laughing or judging us. I just smiled. There was no way in hell I was going to confess that easily to him. Plus he was drunk. I pulled away.
"Is anyone else I know here?" I said looking Ellie in the eyes practically begging her to let me leave. She nodded her head and I let her drag me elsewhere. I had no interest in staying with him. All I could do was hope it was not obvious.
Praise the lord for Ellie Goulding. She was running at one hundred miles an hour introducing me to her friends along with some of my own. I met up with the haim girls which was nice. They talked about their touring and all the details of the band. I did not spend much time with them anymore. It was just so much harder to connect with them though. They all knew Adam. And they all had to sit atop my thousand of lies. Because of course, they believed we were actually in love. I hated how I had to lie, once they knew it would probably break our friendship and the thought of that made me cringe.
"Taylor do you want a drink?"
Before I knew it I was handed a glass of alcoholic liquid. I didn't bother knowing what it was by name I just wanted it desperately.
I knew that getting drunk would probably backfire on me in the worst way but I decided to give up on caring. If I was drunk it would be easier for me to fake an affair with Adam. According to best friend Karlie Kloss I was the type to get pretty sexual.

With feeling pushed aside I began to loosen up. Not before long I was laughing and dancing with my friends. Thankfully they didn't poke around asking questions about me and Adam too much. I made my second mental note of the night to somehow repay them for it.

It was now 3am. The majority of the party had evacuated to their own homes. Only a good third of the original die hards remained. In that group lay Ellie, Haim girls, Adams two best friends, Dillon, and about eight others. Me and Adam had found a nice seat on the couch after my head had started to spin. Me in my drunken state lay atop of him, my hands in his hair. He held my face in his hands and began kissing me. I don't remember how I had found him again through the crowd. But he was here, with me. And we both a drunk mess. His alcohol stained lips tasted of cherry to me. I was probably imagining it. I keep kissing him, deeper and deeper until we were full on making out with each other. Had I been control of the situation, this would have never took place. But no all was right in the world as I kissed and touched a boy I hardly knew let alone loved. His touch was electrifying, it felt like Harry.
"Bedroom?" He whispered. He was completely turned on now. I was drunk but I still knew better.
"Haha no." I spoke into his ear as I let my hands roam. As much as I wanted to escape the prying eyes of the people around us I knew that as long as I kept him out here, with people, he would be less inclined to take my clothes off.

I left Adams house around 1am with the help of my guard. I kept playing our continuous kisses in my head. The strange tastes of him. I then decided that maybe just maybe there was something I did enjoy about him after all.

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