chapter twenty-two: billboards and the drama of it all

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"You'll be going with Adam."
Delilah announced with her usual sinister smile. Adam and I had arrived in Los Angeles that morning. There's was no time to waste as the Billboard Awards were tonight. As usual Delilah was giving us the rundown as to what was expected.
"Haha no." I replied ever so quickly. "Nice one."
The idea of going to an award show with someone other than my approved guest had never been a good idea for me. It felt like just yesterday I was in the position with my publicist arguing why I was not allowed to sit with Harry at awards shows. Two years ago they said no. Now they are forcing me to go with a date.
"Taylor I'm dead serious." She said harshly.
"And so am I! There's no way you're getting me to do that!" I was playing the role of difficult. There were days when Delilah simply deserved it.
"Why are you afraid?" She questioned rudely. This set me off.
"Yes! Maybe I am! Never done it before... there's so much that could go wrong and..."
"And what?" She demanded.
"Well... Harry will be there."
"Taylor! This is exactly why it must be done! You need to get over this stupid boy and move on! Please you won't even see him."
Her words hot me like a knife. They were harsh. The last thing I wanted was for Harry to see me with Adam.
"Why are you so rude?" I said tears forming in my eyes. She sure got me there. You can't blame me for thinking about Harry. He would be there. I haven't seen him in months. I hated how Delilah could be so cold to the subject. I knew she wanted me to not talk about Harry so much but I couldn't help it. I missed him. After all he was still my friend.
"I'm sorry Taylor," she said taking it a tone down after seeing my tears. "But it must be done."
Adam met me at my home a few hours later. I was grateful he had not been at the meeting. I had somehow talked my way out of walking the carpet with him -I made up an excuse to go with the girls in my music video I was premiering- but he still came to my house to go to the show with me anyways. I had my prep team on to me tonight. I was dressed in an all white romper with cut open front. In the back of my mind I could help but think this show off style was part of Delilah's doing. Hoping I would turn someone in particular on... I see how it is.
Once I was all dressed up in sparkling makeup and perfect hair, Adam showed up. I turned the hall to greet him in a stunning black suit. Weird he was not matching me. In fact we were complete opposites. I wonder who's planning that was and was it intentional?
"Woah" he breathed. His smile bigger than ever, his eyes glistening. I could not help but blush.
"You look amazing." He said clearly taken away by my appearance. Why was he so good at compliments?
"Thanks for saying that." I gushed completely unable to make eye contact at this point.
"Wow babe." He said. He was staring. I started to walk to him.
"Eyes up here Mr." I teased as he met me in a tight embrace.
"You look stunning." He gushed.
"So do you." I said looking him in the eyes now. I couldn't help but bite my lip.
"Are you sure you should be wearing something like that to something like this?" He asked. I pulled away.
"What do you mean?" I said, giving him a confused look.
"Well... I don't know... I guess I just want anyone staring at you."
"You mean the way you just did?" I noticed him turn red. So he was the protective type after all.

I met with my friends on the carpet and told Adam I would see him inside. He did not argue. I had fun with my girls on the carpet then walked inside to find Adam seated next to me.
First up was the premier of my new music video. I was anxious at first but the crowds reaction only boosted my confidence. Along with all my girls with me. I was already having so much fun. I had completely forgot about how mad I was about the situation. But that feeling was soon replaced.
First award was given to none other than ex boyfriend Harry Styles. I was not prepared to see him. I watched front row as he walked up the stairs with his band to accept their first award of the night. I could have swore he was looking in my direction. I had no choice but to look down at my feet. I could not, would not, make eye contact.
"Hey we know them." Adam whispered into my ear making me giggle. I decided is was the happiest girl in the room to have him by my side. Doing his job I guess.. Distracting me.
Two nominations later came one I was in.
"And the winner is.... Taylor Swift!" The crowd screamed and I blushed. So happy to have won, I went smiling and laughing to my friends who all greeted me with the same enthusiasm and hugs. Lastly I ran to Adam trying to make our love evident by smiling like a girl after her first date, running into his tight embrace. I felt his cool lips press against my neck as he hugged me tight. Thank god he did not go for my lips. I was honestly half expecting him to. But he didn't. He was so good. "Congrats my queen." He whispered into my ear. Fuck he was so hot and good at his "job" of loving me in public.

The rest of the night continued in the same fashion. Adam whispering funny comments in my ear, me casually winning a few awards, dancing to my hearts content with my friends. When it was finally my turn to win a nomination, he got up and hugged me so tight. Pride glowing off his face. So tonight was not bad. Instead it was making me excessively happy. I ended up winning eight out of my fourteen nominations by the nights end.
As the final act entered the stage Adam wrapped me in his arms from behind. I felt his warm breath on my neck and felt his hands move smoothly up and down my waist. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to touch him. But I knew even with the show ending it was still not entirely safe.
"I have to use the bathroom." I lied. I did not have to use the bathroom I just wanted to get away from the cameras. Adam let go at my request but before leaving I mouthed "come with me" hoping he would get the memo without making it obvious. He did and eventually followed me backstage. I stopped outside the restroom door where he greeted me. I wasted no time in getting the kiss I so desired. He happily complied and kissed me passionately. The energy between us was electric. I just hoped no one would randomly come walking over here. I felt Adams hands squeeze my waistline as if to stop himself from allowing them to wander. I kept my arms laced around his neck. Even with heels he had to bend down to meet my lips. I instantly wished we were back at his house so that we could make out more efficiently.
It was only when I heard the scuffle of feet did I quickly pull away. I felt my stomach grow sick at the sight of none other than one direction walking our way. I instantly pulled away from Adam and quickly brushed my hair back.
Mine and Harry's eyes locked. I could not look away. Part of me wanted to rush over and talk to him, the other knew he was probably unhappy at the sight of me with someone else. He turned around and looked right at me and said nothing. Not even a wave hello. It was as if the months we had spent together, the time I had spent loving him, just weren't important. As if they never happened. I felt my heart grow cold. I thought of how disrespectful my actions had been towards him. A flow of regret ran through my blood.
It was Niall who approached me first.
"Heyy Taylor! Congrats tonight!"
I forced a smile. "Thanks, you too you guys did great."
"Are you going to Ed's after party tonight?" Niall asked again.
"Yeah, I guess I'll see you there." With that the rest of the boys kind of backed out of the situation.
I looked at Harry once more.
"Hi." I started. In that instant it was just us. Everyone else seemed to blur out. It was just me and Harry standing face to face in that moment. How could he be so cold to a person he shared a bed with for months on end?
"Hi." He replied. The other boys continued, leaving just me and him. I did not have control of my actions-I could not help it. Without much thought I walked over to him and hugged him tight. He returned the hug. He smelt sweet. Such a beautiful, familiar smell. When we broke free I felt that same yearning for him I had been working so hard on forgetting. Why this? Why now?
Adam then made his presence known by coming up behind me to pull me in by my waist. I had not expected him to be so on edge.
"Nice to finally meet you." Harry said politely extended a hand towards Adam. I watched his reaction. He returned the handshake.
"Same here. Congratulations on your awards tonight."
He was being polite. I guess that's all I could ask for.
"Thank you. Same to both of you might I add."
I felt Adams hold on my grow stronger. He was so defensive. This was honestly something I had not expected.
"Will I see you at Ed's party tonight?" I asked trying to keep the tension light. I noticed Harry looking more in Adam's direction when he spoke.
There was an awkward silence. I did not know what to say. Harry made it quite obvious that Adam was the reason as to why he was not attending.
"Oh... Well I'll see you soon then?" I said softly. He simply nodded. Then with a final goodbye we parted ways.

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