chapter three: the proposal

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Monday passed in a blur. I had been spending a lot of time with my mother. Since she lived in LA as well, it became a sort of routine to stop by and say hi. I did want to admit that my new obsession of visiting my parents house was due to her diagnosis, but the reality was, it was true. I felt so helpless, nothing I could do. All we could do was wait, wait until it got worse, as promised, then hopefully better. I felt obliged to check in on her though on the outside she she was completely fine. Too early in the stages to be considered "sick." Nonetheless I felt guilty the days I did not come over. So I visited regularly now. I enjoyed her company, and I'm sure she did mine too.

Tuesday eventually arrived. I walked into the building with heavy reluctance. Today they decided my fate. And I had no say in it whatsoever. I came in to find Delilah talking to my mom. At first it surprised me, I had not been told she was in on this. Or was it just now she was being informed? I guessed the second.
I walked in without a word and took a seat. The same seat I held when I was first informed of my new situation. The room was bright despite the window shades being drawn. To the left, a white wall with wooden doors. To the right white windows with pale grey shades that reached the floor. The floor was white as well, the table long and rectangular and wooden. There was a plant if the far right corner and pictures of my success adorning the walls.
After maybe four seconds Delilah finally realized my presence.
"Oh Taylor hi! I was just catching you mom up on the details. You're going to like this!" She seemed too giddy. So unlike her, I hated it. My mom bore no trace of approval or disapproval for that matter. I assumed she had been given the there's-no-other-choice-talk and had not been given the opportunity to say otherwise, or maybe she thought good of it. I don't know. A conversation for later I guess.
"Now I know you don't like this, once again I apologize for last week, but honestly Taylor it's going to be so good for you." She started, resuming her usual stern voice.
"I'm sorry, I'm still not seeing the good." I was too tempted to speak I had to. I came off horrifically rude, but I really did not care.
"A man who is willing to show you off in front of not only the media, but other famous figures, Taylor we're giving you a golden opportunity." She said as if it was the greatest deal in the world.
"I think you've forgotten how awfully trashed I get wherever I'm out with a new 'date'" I reminded her with sass to my tone.
"Yes but that's not going to happen because now the public loves you and by showcasing your romance and not hiding it, it will really bring up your popularity to a new level. You'll be all anyone is talking about."
She was speaking the truth. Society did love me more than ever now and yes I did have a tendency of hiding my relationships. I did not like people knowing my secrets. I mean they already knew so much... I liked having that to myself. But of course not anymore.
"Well what do you propose?" I asked harshly, finally giving in to her plan. She gave an awful smile, happy I had complied.
"I was able to find you a nice man. He works in the music industry as well so hopefully you two will find some common ground there," she started, looking at some notes beneath her.
"Plus his publicist was in search for a similar set up so it kind of worked out perfectly." She looked up now, smiling. She was overwhelmingly satisfied. I was not.
"Yore meeting him tomorrow." She said promptly. Then stood up to leave.
"Wait what?" I asked, she turned around to face me again.
"Yes you will meet him tomorrow, and then we will tell you both your upcoming dates and such, I will tell you the details as they come." She smiled again. Completely content.
"But you told me, you were telling me everything now. Aren't you going to at least check to see if I'm okay with it? With him? You didn't even tell me who he is!" I was mad again.
"I thought it best to give it to you pieces at a time, since you're not taking to it very well. Don't worry Taylor, I have it all figured out for you. Don't worry, you have no choice anyways remember?" Her reminder sounded more like a threat to me but she was still smiling. I glared at her, to say I was angry would be an understatement. My mother did not even try to help me out. She just sat their quietly, I now was able to distinguish that she knew, she knew everything Delilah was not telling me. Yet she was told to keep quiet. And that she did.
"Well can you at least tell me his name?" I yelled after her as she started to exit again.
"Adam. His name is Adam." And with that she left without another word.

Sorry this ones short! I just wanted to give you a build up! I think you all now know who her new date is? Leave comments please!

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