chapter twenty-four: goodmorning, goodbye

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I woke up the next morning still on the couch. A fluffy blanket had been draped over me. I was still not clothed. Adam was not with me. He was not even in the room. My phone stood besides me alive with the text of my friends asking where I had went the night before. I had forgotten to say goodbye to them and now I felt bad.
I laid back down on the couch. Maybe he had left? I remembered how I had once told him not to sleep with me anymore. I guess my game of playing stubborn did not last long. Or maybe he had left me alone after I had fell asleep. Nonetheless he was not with me right now and it was still pretty early in the morning.
I closed my eyes as I reminisced over the night. He had told me he loved me. By the way he had said it it sounded as if he had been hurt before. He said he thought I was different. Who am I to say I am any different than any girl he has ever loved? That was highly unlikely. It could have been one of those things you tell someone in the heat of the moment. I remembered all the things Harry had promised me. But his promises were never kept. In fact they amounted to nothing. Who was to say this would be any different? And then he wanted to make love to me... I could not simply say no after such a confession. It probably was not right, definitely not safe.
I wrapped myself in the blanket that has been laid upon me and decided to go find him. I went upstairs to his room where I found him sitting on the edge of his bed reading already dressed for the morning. I carefully opened the door and made my presence known. He looked up and smiled. I walked over and he wrapped his long arms around me in a tight hug.
"I didn't know if you'd be mad if I had stayed with you." He confessed.
I had no reply for his words. Only lingering questions from the night before.
"Adam." I began not really knowing where to start.
"Yes love?" He said. His words soft. He had me by his waist, tilting his head up to gaze into my eyes.
"Last night... What you said... Is it true? And if it is, how can I be sure?"
He let go of our embrace so he could look me in the eyes more efficiently. His expression gentle and understanding.
"I don't know much but I do love you and I want what we have to last. But I'm not going to say forever. Because I do know one thing; most people aren't given a forever. And whose to say I'm any different."
I inhaled his words. I wanted to remember them forever. They way he said it and how it had been said. Adam never sparked me as a super intelligent person. He was not completely educated, defiantly not the smartest person I'd ever met. But every once in awhile he would say something with such knowledge behind it, it would take my breath away. He was absolutely right. Forever was such a native thing to say, he was smart not to for it always led to disappointment.
"I like that." I said completely content with his words. I hugged him again feeling the warmth of his body against mine.
I struggled to keep the blanket around me and on top of my shoulders. He hugged me tightly, his hands ending at the small of my back. I reached for his lips and clumsily pressed mine to his.
"Oh wouldn't Delilah love to see us now?" He joked and I responded in a laugh. We had come so far since our first date. He started playfully tickling me so that I would continue to laugh. Little did he know I was extremely ticklish.
"Please stop," I managed in between laughs and gasps of air. "I'm not dressed!"
He finally let go as the blanket dropped from my shoulders.
"Fuck." I said quickly trying to bring it back up. But instead Adam pulled me in a kissed me, my bare chest exposed and pressed to his.
"Fuck you're gorgeous." He said before kissing me on the lips.
He helped me up on the bed and I clumsily rolled on top of him still managing to hold on to the blanket wrapped around me.
We kissed and kissed again until I could feel my lips burn. They were not sexy kisses either. They were raw and clumsy and dumb as if either of us had never once had practice. But I would have not wanted it any other way. I felt as Adam's hands traveled up to my chest and my arms laced around his neck.
"You're so beautiful." He breathed as he felt me.
"Thanks but.." I said smiling. "You always say that."
"Maybe because it's true all the time." He said as he playfully buried his nose into my shoulder and blonde hair causing me to giggle.
"As fun as this is, I need to go get ready." I said, sadly pulling away and covered my bare chest with the blanket. A look of disappointment spread across his glistening face. I always had to ruin the fun.
"I need to shower." I stared more to myself than to him. I quickly got up and headed for his big bathroom. It was beautiful decorated in pearl whites and baby blues.
"Can I join?" He asks ever so playfully as he wraps his strong arms around my chest.
"No you'll distract me!" I giggled. I twisted my head around to plant another kiss on his lips. I could never get enough.
"Then how about for a little bit, then I'll go make you breakfast."
I could not disagree with him. He was too sexy to pass down this offer. Of course when I told him that he just rolled his eyes.
After our heated exchange in the shower I was left to clean up and join him in a nicely prepared breakfast.
"Thank you so much baby." I said sweetly after I had finished a delicious meal of pancakes and coffee topped with fresh fruits.
"No thank you." He said a goofy grin on his face.
"What for?" I asked confused.
"For letting me love you of course." He said simply. I smiled to myself.

After that I did not see Adam for a few weeks. I left for tour which kept me extremely busy, not to mention he had gigs of his own. I tried to focus on the concerts and the fans and friends to keep me from missing him so badly. But of course I did miss him.
The only thing worse than missing Adam was Delilah. Oh she so greatly enjoyed running our romance in my face. Every day I faced an "so how is the relationship going?" Or "see I told you you would like him!" After a while it got sickening and I almost lost my head in anger. One night when I had had enough I lost my chill and accidentally yelled at her saying I would quit if she kept nagging me on. Of course I later apologized. But still she was so annoying. I missed my old publicist. She use to make the tours much more enjoyable to say the least.
I would spend my nights with friends and family and soon enough I would get to see him again.

Hello everyone! Almost caught up in the various events of talvin! So exciting! Please leave nice comments and votes thank you!!!

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