chapter thirty-one: oceans

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"That's not half bad." Adam remarked in his heavy Scottish accent that I adored.
I looked down fondly at the cake we had just spent two hours together perfecting. The cake spelt in grand letters "1 YEAR" with hearts surrounding it.
"Please let me post it on my snapchat."
"But Ada-"
"No buts today. It's our one year! And cheesy couples celebrate meaningless anniversaries by making cake and posting it for everyone to see on social media."

"Okay first of all," I said as I pushed away his phone from my face, "it's not meaningless. One year is kind of a big deal for me. And two, you know I can't be posted on your dumb app remember what Tree said?"

"Yeah I know I can't put you in my snapchat because we should not be so crazily advertising our love affair..." He said in a monotone type of voice made to poke fun at my management group. I just laughed. "Common babe, for all the world knows I'm fucking cheating on you. Don't you want to prove them all wrong?"

"Yes..." I said knowing I should not be giving in to him but he might just be the hardest person to ever resist. His grin grew into a massive smile as he videoed our cake and to my misfortune, a close up of my face with the caption "1 year... that was easy."

""That was easy"... Is that suppose to be some kind of joke?" I said laughing in confusion. Our lives was anything but easy.
"Um no?" He said thinking nothing on my comment. I stood back in awe at the person in front of me.
After being accused of cheating with his friends girlfriend.
After having to defend his name constantly of the lies and rumors. After having to put his Instagram on private because of hateful people. After going through nine months of me being on a world tour and both of us having to flying across the country and world to be with each other for a few short days at a time. After the whole world suddenly dissecting and examining his entire life for the past year. That. Was. Easy. He made everything sound so simple as if none of this ever effected him. As if his love for me was stronger than all of this. I wanted to say something but could not think of anything to be said.

Hours later we prepared for our party. We thought it would be fun to get all of our closet friends together and celebrate our relationship with all of our best supporters.

"Taylor will you dance with me?"
He asked hours into our celebration where there were multiple people gathered in my live groom rearranging furniture to make space for a dance floor.
I giggled at his request. "I thought you didn't like dancing." I said with a smirk.
"Tonight I do."
With that he led me to the center of my living room where many of our guests were already lightly dancing to fun pop songs together. Most everyone was drunk or tipsy at this point. But just as me and Adam stepped front in center our favorite songs opening ballads began to play. I twisted my head and noticed Karlie and Selena giggling by the speaker. There was no doubt they had arranged this song for me an Adam to dance to. After all 'Oceans' was our song.
I looked up at Adam with excited eyes as my cheeks turned a bright shade of pink at my best friends brilliance.

The wind soft melody sings to me so happily// when you're near me everything is just so right.

I began to sing along to my favorite lyrics as the soft yet spontaneous vocals of Misterwives echoed across the room. We began to slightly sway as the world around me began to fade out of existence. Just like the lyrics, everything with Adam was just so right.

So can we stay forever-ever like this and
laugh and love in this happy bliss

Me and him were definitely in happy bliss as he twirled me around the dance floor. I had not even noticed how most of friends had stopped to watch us. He spun me around and then back into his arms from behind as I would sway against his chest. I started to sing along with the song feeling every emotion that crashed upon me.

Hold me close and never, never let go and
Promise to love it every high and low

I sang as our eyes met in perfect unison. Our smiles said more than words ever could in this moment. I realized how much this person dancing in front of me meant to me. He loved me for I am. And I loved him for that very same reason. We promised each other forever. Together. To love each other very high and low.

These words you are singing to
Me, you are my everything
My everything
You're my everything
My everything

I sang these words back to him holding he someone could see how much they meant to me. As the chorus began to pick up in a more quick paced tune. He band spinning me around in circles as we would pull away from each other just to come back straight into his arms. I have never felt so safe in anyone's arms.

So let's run with reckless emotion
Let's find out if love is the size of the
Oceans, oceans

As the final chorus played I rested my head in his chest and listened to the sound of his beating heart along with the lyrics. I wanted nothing more in my life to find love. To find whether love was the size of the ocean. And I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life finding this love with him.

The song ended, I pulled away to look into his beautiful eyes.
"Oceans... It's kind of our thing huh?"
He said in the most sweetest of tone.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused what he meant by that. Yeah I had already told him this was our song but it sounded as thought he meant differently.
"You know, water, oceans, the swan goals pic, the Fourth of July one, this song... oceans oceans oceans."
The metaphor clicked instantly in my mind. I reached up on my toes to kiss him. Our kiss was so passionate. We probably ended up kissing longer than appropriate than one would in front of all their friends. But this was my party. And I wanted everyone to know how much this boy meant to me. Hell I wanted the whole world to know.

As we broke our kiss in desperation of air I heard many awes from my friends which only made me blush even more. Adam just held me close as I buried my face into his shoulder in embarrassment.

Soon the party ended. "I'm so happy you're so happy Taylor. You have deserved this for such a long time." Selena hugged me on her way out.
"Thank you Selena. Thank you for making tonight so special."
"Happy one year. Have fun tonight." She joked and I only laughed her off with one final hug and closed the door.

"I never thought they would all leave!" Adam said as he held me up bridal style up to our bedroom.
"Adam I love you so much. Thank you for loving me. One whole year woah."

"Taylor, you're my everything." He said cheesily quoting our favorite song.

"I am so beyond happy I found you." I said tackling him on the bed. I instantly threw off my top and  struggled to do the same to his. We laughed, a tangle in cloth.
"God you're gorgeous." He breathed, his gaze resting on the lace bralet I had on.
Despite the many times he complimented me I still blushed, I still felt dozens of butterflies. To think it's been a year. To think a year ago I wanted nothing to do with this man and that out love was some wild PR stunt.  He pulled me on him to straddle his lap. I moved myself around creating the friction we both craved. I pulled his hands up to my chest so in need of what was to come.
"Wait wait wait! Before we get to this, and trust me I really want to get to this, I have something for you."
He stopped and let go of my causing me to whimper. He was so adorable as he awkwardly fumbled from the bed to the drawer in search of what appeared to be a little box.
"What's this?"
"A little something. You know, for a special anniversary."
I opened the box to find a beautiful locket with the date engraved into its golden center.
"Oh Adam..."
"Too much?" He said clearly embarrassed.
"No I love it!" I exclaimed as I held it up. The room was very dark but there was just enough moonlight for me to make out the lockets pure beauty. Inside I found pictures of us. A gift for a special relationship.
"I want you to know I've never felt so sure about anyone in my life but you Taylor. I love you."

The rest of the night was pure bliss with him as I would not want to share love with anyone else. This love was the size of the ocean.

Hello (if anyone is still here) I'm going to try and write this again!! PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS they will determine if I continue 😂

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