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"Creatures of ice and snow, part wolves they were; lived in the glaciers and royal city high in the Flake Mountains.

"The contrasting force of the A.R.T.I.C. were the Heatlings, dwelling in the heart of a blazing volcano, The Crimson Peaks.

"People with eyes of sand, Scorpians they were called, the name reveals what kind of tails they had. Spreading across the scorching desert, Sihn Akkah, they can live days without a single meal.

"Mer-creatures, some who spoke in the tongue of man, first called wetlings by the First Ones but now known as the Aquatic Republic. They burrow deep, far from the mainlands, into the Bottomless Ocean.

"Nightlings, unlike the others, sleep during the day. So secretive they were, they fled into the Pine-Fear Forest to keep safe.

"Colorful beings swing across the Venus Jungle, they may seem small and weak, helpless and fragile, but that is no longer the case when they almost faced extinction. They called themselves the Vine Elves.

"Monsters that live in the shadows, in an archipelago far in the dark nooks of the planet, where there will always be night. They travel through the shadows and crave power and blood. Their name, The Clan of Sins, is forbidden in many places.

"In myth, a discreet tale, telling creatures known as the Knaodamas; could fly above the earth and created the stars. They've never been seen, never been heard. But all legends come from somewhere..."

- Anonymous

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