Chapter Twenty-Eight

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They weren't heading towards the forest's outskirts, she realized. No, they were walking deeper in. The assassin must have known that, which made her wonder: What was he searching for? His guild? Or...something else? She wanted to leave the forest, but when she tried to sneak away, the warrior bound her hands with a metal cord that had been twisted on his belt. She was no match for Zodiac, not even with her brief sword experience.

What did he want from her?

Luna doubted anyone was coming to her aid. Perhaps her 'friends' were overjoyed that she was gone and continued their lives. She was no one of importance. But she did have to escape. She must. Luna tried conversations to get the assassin to reveal his plans, but he simply ignored her.

She was in unfamiliar territory, she was held captive by someone deadly, and she was bound and unskilled to fight back. All the Nightling could do was glare between his shoulder blades as he pulled her on. Her sword had been strapped over his back. Luna couldn't simply run from this situation, this was bound to happen.

She had walked blindly into danger without thinking twice of the consequences. She never planned, never thought anything through. But I'm done with that. She told herself. I have to face this head on and be prepared when I do so!

The sun went down, but it didn't seem peaceful and beautiful as before. The sky glowed orange and the sun cried scarlet. The transition from day to night was silent. Eerie.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, more to herself than Zodiac. The forest grew dark, soundless. It was starting to become concerning. Up ahead, the tree line ended. Were they truly out?


The moment Luna and Zodiac entered the empty area, life ended. There were no plants, no animals, no color. The ground beneath them was ashen gray and grainy like sand. The land was dead.

Zodiac pulled her onward, and Luna could see why. Above them was a cliff side, and a cavity in the stone seventy paces ahead of them. She didn't know what was in there, but she didn't like it. She needed to quickly devise a plan, this place felt off.

That was when she saw Zodiac's flaw.

Her bindings.

They were attached to his belt. This she could use to her advantage....

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