Travel Log: Heatling

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Lenqin 57, 1241 (Sprout Season)

Dear Journal, 

I had made contact with my first Heatling. His eyes resembled the colour of fire, a crimson red and lava orange in a perfect mix. His caramel skin was smooth a flawless. The locals knew him as Fire Bird, he lived in a small town outside the volcano where the Heatlings originated. Apparently, all Heatlings have some sort of fire based name. Many of them, humorously, got angry quite easily. They had the ability to manipulate fire, a dangerous power that could destroy. 

Fire Bird was one of the few who did not get angry easily. He told me about the magnificent palace hidden inside the Heatlings' homeland, inside The Crimson Peaks. His wife, Saphire, explained how their species were carnivores, their original prey was once the Vine Elves, but centuries ago, they were believed to be extinct. Before, when all of the tribes were united, the Heatlings were honorable and stubborn warriors who brought warmth and safety throughout the lands. 

But since they were the opposite of the Icees, fights broke out between them. And they've been at war with the mysterious Nightlings as long as time could tell. In fact, everyone disliked the clan. Fire Bird grew up in a town filled with different species called Arthrimn. I admit, I was a bit heart heavy when I had to part with the fiery Heatling, but I had to continue my quest. 



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