Chapter Thirteen

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Both Luna and Sleet's heads shot up, a silhouette crouched in the tangle of branches above them. Did that Heatling come to already?


This was something else.

Sleet got eerie vibes from this stranger. Luna stood frozen, perhaps she felt it too. The figure sat there a second longer than necessary, then leaped down before them.

Sleet's eyes widened in recognition, it was that Heatling from the alley! "Oh, it's you again." the Icee scowled.

"Were you following us?" Luna chimed in. The Heatling cast her a disgusted look.

"I have nothing better to do." he answered at last, his shoulders rose and fell. The trio and the forest both grew silent.

"...What do you want?" Luna lifted an eyebrow skeptically.

"Answers." the Heatling hissed, dusting off the dirt and scattered leaves on his shirt. Sleet snorted at this, as if they'd willingly comply.

"What do you want to know?" Luna asked, curiosity taking over her expression. Sleet whirled around to her in disbelief.

"What in Flarik's hell are you?" the Heatling spat, shoving his hands in his pockets. Sleet casted an interested look at his pants, they were nothing he had ever seen. They looked comfortable and stylish and he began to want a pair himself. Then he shook his head, he was admiring fashion from a Heatling. A HEATLING.

"What's your name?" Luna asked abruptly. Sleet gaped at her. The Heatling seemed taken aback by her question.

"Don't change the topic!" he chided. His hand curled into a fist. Sleet took a step back, in case the Heatling tried to set him on fire. But Luna stood her ground.

"How about we do a question for a question?" she suggested. The Heatling and Icee shot each other confused looks then shifted their gaze back to her. "You answer our question, and we answer yours."

The Heatling smiled, one that sent a shiver down Sleet's spine. He did not like this guy one bit. "Name's Flare,"

"I'm a Nightling." Luna nodded. Flare gawked at her, then barked a booming laugh that made Sleet jump.

"Ugliest damn Nightling I've ever seen!" he ribbed in his Heatling lilt, then ran his fingers through his bangs and combed them back to reveal a smooth forehead.

Sleet bit back a retort. He wanted to call him ugly; but he was, frustratingly, not.

"Are you the missing prince?" Luna questioned, making the Heatling, Flare, scowl.

"And if I am?" he frowned, scratching the back of his neck. This Heatling did not strike Sleet as royalty of any kind, perhaps he was recently adopted or something.

"Hold on!" Sleet shouted, collecting everyone's attention. He signaled Luna over to a tree. Flare stood where he was, arms crossed.

"What's the plan?" Sleet whispered to her, looking over his shoulder at the Heatling. "What are we gonna do with him."

"Actually, I was gonna ask if he wanted to come with us." Luna smiled.

Sleet stuttered, "W-w-what?!"

"He's a thrill seeker, like me, I can tell." she insisted. "He seems pretty interesting."

"He's a HEATLING, not a puzzle you can solve!" Sleet argued.

"You know I can hear you, right?" the cursed Heatling called. Sleet cursed under his breath and walked over to him.

"Okay, Heatling." Sleet glowered. Flare held his glare with a nonchalant expression. "We're adventures, it's not like we can stop you if you follow us, so you might as well join us." he forced a smile.

Flare's fire could melt his ice if he tried to fight him. But...if he also brought a Heatling prisoner home, that may impress the king and queen...

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