Chapter Six

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After agreeing to go to the Heatlings, they set foot out of the Icee lands and toward the border where the snow ended. Sleet told her about how their species identification was as the A.R.T.I.C (Animal Republic in The Icy Climate), not actually as the Icees

(Author's note: If you have ideas in which I could use the acronym ARCTIC for them, please let me know!)

"Eh, I like Icee better, easier to say." Luna shrugged. Once the temperature increased a bit, they set camp and Sleet immediately fell asleep. Or at least, that's what he wanted her to think. He gently snored, but Luna could tell it was a bit forced. She couldn't blame, she wouldn't fall asleep facing away from a stranger she barely knew, let alone a Nightling! That was....if she was an Icee.

If she were one, would Sleet trust her more? Honestly, she'd give up her hideous eyes and tattoos in an instant. If it meant she would be able to fit into a tribe. Maybe they'd want her. She quickly shook off the thoughts as built a fire to warm her numb body.

It had been a while since she had been exposed to such warmth, thankfully the Heatlings will have a lot of it. She placed her frozen hands over the rippling flames, nervously glancing at the Icee's body. It rose and fell, without his comedy, Luna quickly became bored at the silence.

And after a while of tossing and turning and making sure Sleet didn't sneak off and abandon her, Luna finally fell asleep

After what seemed like moments, she was shaken awake. Luna groaned in discontentment. "Thank Deorward," a familiar voice sighed. She slowly peeled her eyes open. The Icee's turquoise hair stuck defiantly up, a relieved smile on his face. "You're still alive." he exhaled, his breath somewhat visible in the cold region.

Luna blinked at him, confused, then remembered the events that occurred yesterday. She sat up, "You thought I was dead?" she mumbled listlessly, relief filled her tone, for Sleet had waited for her.

"I kept calling your name, but you wouldn't wake up, hardly even flinched." Sleet explained. Luna suddenly barked a booming laugh. "At least your crazy carcass is up."

"I see there is still something stuck up your snout." Luna retorted. They both stood up, but Luna nearly fell back down as Sleet threw a snowball at her.

"How DARE you!" he protested, trying to sound as offended as he could. When Luna balanced herself, the snow at her feet was less frozen than before, as if it was melting. It didn't crush under her bare feet (which she had generously wrapped in cloth), more like squish.

"The snow's getting sludge-y." She said, echoing her observation.

"We're getting farther from the mountains," Sleet frowned, "what did you expect?"

Luna gathered from his grumpiness that he was not a morning person.

The moment they passed the Icee borders, she felt significantly warmer. They were now in the Banned Fields. With a rush of excitement, Luna rolled around the moment she saw grass growing out of the ground. "I never thought I'd miss grass this much!" she exclaimed.

"Why is it" Sleet wrinkled his nose in disgust. Luna leaped to her feet.

"Welcome to the Banned Fields!" she outstretched her arms, addressing the meadows around her. "It may be beautiful now, but we better scram before night arrives."

"The Banned Fields?" Sleet echoed, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yep," Luna nodded nonchalantly. "It's banned because it's basically banshee territory, this place."

"Banshee?" Sleet echoed again, his ears pressed against his head. "Banshee? As in the hideous-ghosts-that-shriek-so-loud-you-wish-you-were-deaf, kind of banshee?"

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