Chapter Thirty-One

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"I-I don't know about this..." Mumbed the little Icee that haunted Sleet's dreams.

Young Sleet grinned, "What are you? A scaredy - stoccak?" His turquoise eyes glittered mischievously, this was before he achieved his scar.

They stood at the lip of the Taqin Cave, a hidden cave on the Nevermore Mountain—the tallest land structure on Antenias. The children were told stories of ice demons that took shelter in the cave, that is why the entire mountain was prohibited. But Sleet, who wanted to take the throne from the crown prince at the time, decided to prove that he was brave and make everyone's jaw drop. After their expedition, it would be him ruling and not his arrogant brother.

He brought his younger brother, Ermine, along as well. As his name suggested, he was small and adorable. He had round eyes that were a vivid sky blue, his hair had a silver shine to it. "What if mother and father get mad?" The boy asked.

Sleet blew a raspberry, "Ha! How could they? They'd be impressed."

That was just a fantasy of Sleet's.

As soon as they entered, monsters appeared from their hide-y holes. Some had multiple eyes, multiple legs, all of them had sharp claws and teeth. This had been the first time Sleet had experienced fear. It came at him like a punch in the gut and made his heart echo in his ears. He never knew heartbeats could be so fast.

But Ermine stood frozen in place. It took all of Sleet's resolve to grab his little hand and run out of the cave. "They're following us!" Ermine shouted over the strong wind hurtling at them. It tugged at Sleet's hair, his clothes, but he didn't dare stop.

There was a squelch, Sleet peered over his shoulder in horror. A demon's tail spike went right through Ermine's knee. He looked too frightened to scream as his face paled unnaturally. "Brother," he whispered, barely audible. "I don't want to die."

Surprise caused Sleet's grip on Ermine's hand to loosen, allowing the demon to pull the boy out of his grasp. Ermine was dragged into the fog, thrashing and screaming. Telling himself it was too late, Sleet ran on more frantically.

The monsters followed.

Even as he reached the gates of the city, the monsters followed. Even as he entered, running for his life, the monsters followed.

"Run! Hide!" He shrieked at the top of his lungs. But this only caused curious spectators to come out of the houses and watch him. When the demons arrived, there was nothing he could do....

The queen backhanded the boy, her jeweled rings cut into his cheek. Azure blood dripped from his face and silently on the throne room floor. "Are you mad?!" She screamed, her indifferent mask was gone, revealing that she was livid. Sleet didn't shrink back at her volume. He stood like a stature, staring apathetically at his puddle of blood. He couldn't hear what else his parents said, because his thoughts echoed over them.

It should have been him.

It should have been him.

Later, they'd sent him to live on Walrus Glacier for six years as punishment. He would never be in line for the crown under any circumstances. He had to learn to take care of himself and catch his own food and work under extreme storms.

Sleet made a vow that day: Never would he be selfish again. Never would he put his wants above the Tribe.

What kind of person would he be if he turned his back on them again? He'd lose himself entirely. 

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