Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Whelp, see ya," Flare carelessly waved with one hand and the other rode in his pocket as he walked away.

"Where are you going?" Luna frowned, crossing her arms.

"Anywhere away from you."

"Why? Are you scared that I'm immune to your fire?" She smirked, trying to trick him into staying with her. Although she wouldn't admit it aloud, she had gotten used to having traveling companions and didn't want to be alone again any time soon. Yes, even Flare was wonderful company when he wanted to be. The Heatling whirled around to her, narrowing his brows.

"The complete opposite actually." He approached, closing the distance between until all Luna could see was his eye rimmed with fire. "It makes me want to take you down even more. And I will, mark my words. But not yet. Not with the cowardly demons out there."

"Wow, I'm honored." Luna deadpanned. "You're saving me for last.

Flare backed away to allow space between them. "Go on your own. I'm not your fucking babysitter."

Luna scowled at his shoulder blades as he turned away. "With all those tantrums you're throwing, it seems more like I'm yours."

He stopped in his tracks. "What. Did. You. Say." Someone with commonsense would run from that burning iris. And that's just what Luna did. She ran with the Heatling in hot pursuit. Hey, at least Flare was staying with her.

But then he was starting to get too close, so she leaped into a bush and he sprinted right past her. Then Luna realized that she had no idea where she was. Despite being a traveler, she sometimes had a terrible sense of direction. She didn't even know where Flare was.

She hopped out of the bush, pulling leaves from her cloak as she sped up to catch Flare while he was still nearby. He wasn't.

She wandered the forest until the sky grew a pink-ish tint. Was the sun truly going down now? It was a good thing that Luna didn't struggle much when seeing through the dark, and didn't feel tired. In fact, she felt more alive at night. But that didn't stop her from getting more lost. The sun went down completely and Luna had been walking in circles, traveling past the same rock with a crack in it four times already.

Luna groaned loudly.

Yes, it was her idea to split. Yes, it was her idea to help Scorch. But why couldn't things be easy for a change? The bugs began to swarm her, plants began to whack her, receiving a few cuts on her fingertips.



She heard a noise, the crunching of leaves beneath feet. She clumsily headed toward the noise. Could it be one of her friends? She fell through the thickets and landed on top of something.


"Flare?" She asked, the silhouette's face was undefinable, but they definitely surpassed her in height as well as Flare. Just another tall twelve year old, she told herself. They shoved her off, and she tumbled away with a grunt. Strong like Scorch, but Scorch wasn't brutal.

Luna watched the person stand up, she froze. They were hooded like the people in the camp. Great. Just great.

"You don't happen to have seen a Scorpian couple, have you? Maybe have them prisoner?" The stranger slowly pulled throwing knives from one of the compartments of their belt. "Actually..I think I'll come back later." She ran.

She sprinted through the forest floor, the stranger at her heels. She heard the sound of unsheathing blades and immediately ducked. Luna frantically tried to escape and didn't notice the tree root free from the ground. Her foot got caught on it and she fell onto her knees and elbows. She managed to crawl a few inches before she was cornered. Pressed against a Kuzaco nut tree, the stranger crouched before her, a knife planted at her throat.

He was as tall as Scorch, perhaps the same age. His skin was the same color as the fog that concealed the Flake Mountains. A mask covered his nose and mouth. His eyes were different colors, like Sleet's. The left eye was a cold white, like a blinding lightning bolt striking the surface of the earth. The other was dark and burning, like a typhoon of dark storm clouds, ready to release a booming thunder.

Luna didn't know why she compared his eyes to lightning and thunder, but it just seemed right. The right side of his head had white hair, the left side was black, strands dangled over his pierced ears as the rest was tied into a messy bun. It contrasted with his eyes.

His eyes.

Luna couldn't stop looking at them. They were beautiful. Dangerous. Hypnotizing.

He also had horns similar to the girl she bumped into back in the camp. She also couldn't help but notice he had a demon tail that was furred, beginning with black and ending with a white. That was worth investigating.

"Umm..hello, Mr. Assassin." Luna nervously chuckled, not daring to meet his gaze, afraid that she'll get sucked in. He didn't loosen his grip. "It wasn't me who attacked your camp." If it wasn't me then how would I know about it, idiot?! "Look, I'm sorry about the whole fire and ice thing. But maybe we can talk this out?"

The assassin didn't reply. Perhaps he wasn't much of a talker. "What's your name?" Luna asked. He hesitated, his eyes were calculating as they glared into her eyes. Luna felt a thrum down her skull. Another thrum was sent through her chest. She quickly closed her eyes, trying to make it stop.

She felt him lower the knife.

Luna opened her eyes, avoiding his gaze as they slowly began to stand up. He beckoned her to follow him.

But who was this stranger? 

Breaking the Ice (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें